[working on a background and motivation]
Stat Block
10 | 18 | 11 | 11 | 18 | 10 |
+0 | +4 | +0 | +0 | +4 | +0 |
- Level: 1
- Race: Half-Elf
- Class: Ranger
- Beastmaster
- Alignment: [insert alignment]
- Background: Outlander
- Proficiency bonus: +2
- Total Hit Points: 10
- Passive Perception: 14
- Armor Class: 15
- Personality: [will get]
- Ideal: [will get]
- Bond: [will get]
- Flaw: [will get]
Proficiencies and Skills
- Acrobatics (Dex) +4
- Animal Handling (Wis) +6
- Arcana (Int) +0
- Athletics (Str) +2
- Deception (Cha) +0
- History (Int) +0
- Insight (Wis) +6
- Intimidation (Cha) +0
- Investigation (Int) +2
- Medicine (Wis) +4
- Nature (Int) +0
- Perception (Wis) +6
- Performance (Cha) +0
- Persuasion (Cha) +0
- Religion (Int) +0
- Sleight of Hand (Dex) +4
- Stealth (Dex) +6
- Survival (Wis) +6
- Saving Throws: Dexterity, Wisdom
- Languages: [will nail down]
- Tools: [as from Outlander]
- Training: ---
- Weapons and Armor: [as per Ranger]
Spells and Features and Feats
- Favored Enemy: Goblinoid, Orcs
- Natural Explorer: Grassland
- Darkvision
Weapons and Armor
- Longbow
- +6 to hit
- 1d8+4 piercing damage
- Range 150/600
- Spear (versatile, thrown)
- 1-handed
- +2 to hit
- 1d6 piercing damage
- 2-handed
- +2 to hit
- 1d8 piercing damage
- Thrown
- +6 to hit
- 1d6 piercing damage
- Range 20/60
- 1-handed
- Dagger (finesse, light, thrown)
- Melee
- +6 to hit
- 1d4 piercing damage
- Thrown
- +6 to hit
- 1d4+4 piercing damage
- Range 20/60
- Melee
- Leather armor
- AC 11 + Dex mod
Retainers and Mounts
Jaime, the squire
Branson, the groom
Carson, the valet
Possessions, Mundane
Explorer's pack
Fine clothes
Signet ring
Scroll of pedigree
Coin purse
Banner (depicting...)
Possessions, Treasure
Gold: 25
Silver: 0