The Warrior is a character with substantial combat prowess that can grow to the level of being an army in and of themselves.
Warrior Abilites
Level | Experience Points | Hit Points | Combat Bonus | Special Ability |
1 | 0 | 6 | +1 | Combat Bonus |
2 | 100 | 10 | +1 | Multiple Attacks |
3 | 200 | 14 | +1 | Combat Style |
4 | 400 | 18 | +2 | Leadership |
5 | 800 | 22 | +2 | Fearlessness |
6 | 1600 | 26 | +2 | Attribute Boost |
7 | 3200 | 30 | +3 | Combat Bonus |
8 | 6400 | 34 | +3 | Fearsome Reputation |
9 | 12000 | 38 | +3 | |
10 | 24000 | 42 | +4 | Combat Bonus |
11 | 48000 | 46 | +4 | |
12 | 96000 | 50 | +4 |
Hit Points
Warriors start with 6 hit points (adjust by Constitution bonus) to represent their robust physical health. At each level, the Warrior gains an additional 4 hit points (adjusted by Constitution bonus) that represent incoming attacks that the Warrior avoids due a combination of luck, skill, fatigue, and experience. Only their original first level hit points represent any substantial damage to the Warrior.
Combat Bonus
Warriors start with a +1 to all to-hit rolls in combat. This increases every 3 levels thereafter.
Damage Dice
Warriors have a number of damage dice equal to their level that they can allocate every round of combat. Up to half these dice can be allocated to a single opponent. Alternatively, it's possible for the Warrior to attack a number of opponents every round equal to their level with one damage die allocated to each opponent.
Combat Style
At 3rd level Warrior select a Combat Style in which to specialize. They receive specific bonuses for that style.
Weapon and Shield
A Warrior specializing in Weapon and Shield gains two advantages. First, the shield may be used offensively as well as granting its defensive bonus. The primary advantage of this is that a shield is a short reach weapon so nobody can get inside the reach of the Warrior for initiative purposes. Secondly, the player may choose to sacrifice the Warriors shield once per adventure (or session) to negate all of the damage an opponent deals in one attack. The player does not have to declare this until the damage dice are rolled and totaled.
Two Weapon
A Warrior specializing in the use of two weapons in combat gains a few advantages. The Warrior can use the secondary weapon in melee as a parrying weapon and gain a +1 defense from it as if the Warrior had a shield. On offense, either weapon can be used to determine initiative.
Great Weapon
Inherently a great weapon has reach on most other weapons and will grant first strike on opening attacks. The Warrior who specializes in this weapon may opt to give ground every round. So long as the Warrior does this, the following round is considered an opening round of combat for initiative purposes. This means that the Warrior will strike first every round against anyone with a short or medium weapon, so long as the Warrior is willing and able to give ground every round. Additionally, a Warrior who clears their front one round does not need to to give ground to receive this same initiative advantage the following round.
Mobile Archer
The Warrior specializing in archery may take the split-move and attack option. That means that during the Warriors movement phase, they may move up to their full movement and take one attack at full skill at any point during their movement. There is no penalty to moving while loosing for this specialist. However, only one arrow may be loosed during movement, though additional arrows may be loosed during standard ranged combat.
This Warrior may allot their entire Damage Dice to a single opponent they attack unawares. This typically must happen outside of normal combat.
Berserk in progress...
Fourth level and higher Warriors automatically boost the Morale of all soldiers in their vicinity by +1. They must lead form the front to get this bonus.
Fifth level and higher Warriors are completely immune to all forms of debilitating fear, even magical fear. In the most stressful situations, Warriors are clearheaded and able to make decisions based strictly on the known facts of the situation.
Attribute Bonus
Sixth level Warriors may boost a single attribute by one point. This may remove a negative attribute, improve a normal attribute to advantaged, and may even take an advantaged attribute to a super ability that receives a +2 bonus.
Fearsome Reputation
Eighth level and higher Warriors have a fearsome reputation. Non heroic enemy combatants must make a morale check immediately upon learning the identify of the Warrior or flee.