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Character Abilities

All player characters should be considered competent in general adventuring skills. Character may also take additional skills.


Whenever a character wants to try something and the Referee isn't sure whether they will succeed or not, a roll must be made. The player rolls 2d6 and compares them against a threshold. Most checks should be against Average or Difficult tasks. Trivial and Easy should rarely, if ever, come up in play; perhaps just for simple tasks where the results of failure are catastrophic.

Here are the thresholds:

  • Trivial (3)
  • Easy (5)
  • Average (7)
  • Difficult (9)
  • Heroic (11)
  • Superheroic (13)
  • God-like (15)

These are set by the Referee as appropriate for adventurers. Everyday skills, such as climbing, stealth, tracking, and so forth are typically achievable by any adventurer. Anyone with a skill in those areas, will simply be better at it. Specialists skills, such as lock picking, languages, lore skills, and so forth, are tough skills that will generally be very difficult for most adventurers. It may take much training for a character to be able to do these skills competently.


These are created and selected by the player, with Referee approval.