
Fate Points: 2
Refresh: 2
Endurance: +4 (Great)
Finesse: +3 (Good)
Psyche: +4 (Great)
Strength: +3 (Good)
Subterfuge: +2 (Fair)
Warfare: +1 (Average)
High Concept: Lifetime Teen Adventurer
Since she was ten, she's been living the life of a YA novel protagonist, traveling to strange worlds to meet strange people and overcome strangely appropriately scaled dangers. The result has been generalized adventuring hyper-competence and a certain unconscious arrogance that yes, it really is all about her. It always has been before.
- Invoke: To overcome an extreme physical or mental ordeal, to act decisively and correctly when surprised, to make or encounter unexpected friends and allies, to be underestimated for her apparent age.
- Compel: To take risks without proper preparation, to be caught up in strange events, to ignore the advice of authorities, to be disrespected for her apparent youth, to stick herself into situations that she knows nothing about, to treat a danger as being less than it is, to speak up when it would have been safer to stay silent.
Trouble: Clearly Someone's Secret Bastard
Raised in austere but not crushing poverty, by adoptive parents who took care of her but weren't overly attached to her, and then "accidentally" thrown into chained adventures in myriad worlds until "coincidentally" opening a Door on the Stair leading back to Nibiru? Riiight.
- Invoke: Empathize with the poorer and lower class, to get away with acting oddly
- Compel: Be treated as too high class for the regular people, and too low class for the high class. To be unaware of how to act “properly”. To be the subject of damaging rumors. To be isolated from her peers. To be refused access to House affairs and resources. To be the target of manipulations. To be an easy scapegoat.
Aspect: Names both Sacred and Profane
She has met, learned from, and stolen the names and languages of gods, demons and more of a dozen worlds. Basically, the Invocations power by way of having had mostly civil conversations with way too many overpowered beings. Not all of whom are terribly happy about how it all turned out.
- Invoke: To discover the names and natures of supernatural beings. To invoke the names of gods for effect. To intimidate or flatter angels, imps or other servants of powerful supernatural beings. To win or totally sidetrack theological debates. To have a piece of knowledge or magic stolen from an angry god.
- Compel: To offend the religious by commenting on their god’s peculiarities. To be hounded by a god within their domain. To be recognized as someone who has dealt with demons. To get drawn into theological and philosophical debate. To get the names of two similar gods or demons confused.
[*] Allows use of Invocation
Aspect: Blessings, Curses and Superstitions, Oh My!
Faerie Queens, Dark Enchanters, Strange Beasts - she has been targeted and taught by all of them, and there are only so many times a smart young girl can be cursed into a hundred years of slumber or turned into a mouse before she begins to pick up a few tricks here and there.
- Invoke: To cast one of the classic blessings or curses. To recognize genuine power from trickery. To adapt swiftly to impairments or transformations. To ward and prepare a person or place against magical interference. To create and use potent charms.
- Compel: To disturb others with strange habits and rituals. To be plagued by a curse she never quite got rid of. To jump to conclusions that all misfortune is a curse. To deal casually with places and creatures that are quite dangerous.
[*] Allows use of Blessings & Curses
Aspect: Queen of the Coral Sea
Her last adventure, and the only one she can still find the Door to (though some individuals from earlier ones can still find her), she was proclaimed Queen of the Mermaids of the Coral Sea and ruler of the Thousand Isles. Ruling these fractious and varied lands has given her a strong grasp of diplomacy and politics beyond her apparent age (which at some point, she's not even sure when, seems to have stalled somewhere in the indeterminate late teens).
- Invoke: To display a practical grasp of diplomacy and policy. To be very at home in the water. To casually have or lay her hands on wealth. To project an impression of command or dignity.
- Compel: To take poorly to orders. To be called back for a crisis. To have enemies looking to overthrow her. To forget that bright paint and beads are not considered formal, dignified dress. To ruin a disguise by casually carrying precious pearls. To spend way too long in the pool.
[*] Connected to the Domain Coral Sea and the Thousand Isles
Aspect: Warden of the Grand Stair
- This Aspect cannot be Invoked or Compelled.
[*] Allows use of all Warden abilities, including Wayfinding, Exegesis, Locking/Unlocking/Holding Doors, and the Warden's Authority
Hah, You Think That Will Fool Me?: +2 to Overcome riddles, tricks or illusions with Psyche.
Basic Courtesies: +2 when using Finesse to Create social Advantages or Overcome social difficulties with supernatural creatures of Gossamer.
It’ll Take More than That!: +2 to Defend with Endurance if she has already taken Stress from that source.
The Coral Sea and Thousand Isles
Accessible by a blue-green Door decorated with seashells that opens under shallow waters in a clear, beautiful cove, the Coral Sea and the Thousand Isles is a world of deadly and wondrous beauty, particularly of powerful and exotic poisons. She still goes back regularly to the Sea, where she rules and is regarded with religious awe. While in the Coral Sea, she spends most of her time transformed by the blessings of a local goddess into a mermaid. Anyone accompanying her is likely to get the same courtesy, though the magics do not work outside the domain.
- +2 to Attack with Warfare or Subterfuge when using Poisons.
- You shape shift into a mermaid while in this domain (with all the benefits that entails, such as water breathing), as does anyone accompanying you that you declare under your protection.