Kella Steelfalcon

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  • Human Fighter 1
  • XP: 0
  • Neutral
  • PC


  • STR 16
  • INT 13
  • WIS 10
  • DEX 9
  • CON 14
  • CHA 8


  • Languages
    • Common
    •  ?
  • General Proficiencies
    • Manual of Arms (earn 30 gp/mth training light infantry)
    • Endurance (No need to rest every 6 turns, force march 2 days without penalty)
  • Class Proficiencies
    • Military Strategy (+1 Initiative in mass combat, recognise famous generals, battles, etc)


  • AC 7
  • HP 9
  • Movement Rate
  • Initiative Modifier 0
  • Attacks
    • Primary Melee Attack: Polearm [+2/1d10+2]
    • Secondary Melee Attack: Spear [+2/1d6+2 (1h) or 1d8+2 (2h])
    • Tertiary Melee Attack: Dagger [+2/1d4+2]
    • Primary Ranged Attack: Shortbow [+0/1d6]
    • Secondary Ranged Attack: Dagger [+0/1d4]
  • Saves:
    • Petrification & Paralysis 15
    • Poison & Death 14
    • Blast & Breath 16
    • Staves & Wands 16
    • Spells 17


  • Gear, Armor, Weapons: Total Encumbrance. Don't list party treasure here. That's what the ape is for on the front page. This is to keep track of those things that are relatively permanently staying with your character.
    • Plate mail
    • Pole arm
    • Spear
    • Shortbow
    • 20 arrows
    • Dagger
    • Backpack
    • Boots (low)
    • Tunic & Pants (Crafter/Freeholder) - tunic depicts a grey falcon on a blue field.
    • Rations, Iron x2
    • Torches x6
    • Tinder Box
    • Rope 50'
    • Waterskin x2
    • Belt
    • Pouch
    • Total cost: 91.6 (8.4 gp remaining)