Kella Steelfalcon

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  • Human Fighter 1
  • XP: 0
  • Neutral
  • PC


  • STR 16
  • INT 13
  • WIS 10
  • DEX 9
  • CON 14
  • CHA 8


  • Languages
    • Common
    •  ?
  • General Proficiencies
    • Manual of Arms (earn 30 gp/mth training light infantry)
    • Endurance (No need to rest every 6 turns, force march 2 days without penalty)
  • Class Proficiencies
    • Military Strategy (+1 Initiative in mass combat, recognise famous generals, battles, etc)


  • AC 7
  • HP 9
  • Movement Rate
  • Initiative Modifier 0
  • Attacks
    • Primary Melee Attack: Polearm [+2/1d10+2]
    • Secondary Melee Attack: Short Sword [+2/1d6+2 (1h) or 1d8+2 (2h])
    • Tertiary Melee Attack: Dagger [+2/1d4+2]
    • Primary Ranged Attack: Shortbow [+0/1d6]
    • Secondary Ranged Attack: Dagger [+0/1d4]
  • Saves:
    • Petrification & Paralysis 15
    • Poison & Death 14
    • Blast & Breath 16
    • Staves & Wands 16
    • Spells 17


  • Gear, Armor, Weapons: Total Encumbrance 9 2/3 stone
    • Plate mail
    • Pole arm
    • Short sword
    • Shortbow
    • 20 arrows
    • Dagger
    • Backpack
    • Boots (low)
    • Tunic & Pants (Crafter/Freeholder) - tunic depicts a grey falcon on a blue field.
    • Rations, Iron x2
    • Torches x6
    • Tinder Box
    • Rope 50'
    • Waterskin x2
    • Belt
    • Pouch
    • Total cost: 95.6 (4.4 gp remaining)