Thorvin Ericson
Current Glory:
Annual Glory:
Personal Data
Age: 32 (born in 464)
Son Number: 1
Homeland: Jutland
Culture: Dane
Religion: Wotanism
Father: Eric Gunnarson
Father's Class: Jarl (Tribal King)
Lord: Bledgur, Lord of Chalke
Current Class: Vassal Knight
Current Home: W. Stoke
Wife: Lady Glenys
20 | 10 | 17 | 14 | 13 |
Dmg | Heal | Move | HP | Unc |
7d6 | 3 | 3 | 34 | 9 |
Distinquishing Features Long blonde hair, clean shaven
- Chaste 7/13 Lustful
- Energetic 14/7 Lazy
- Forgiving 4/16 Vengeful
- Generous 16/4 Selfish
- Honest 13/7 Deceitful
- Just 13/7 Arbitrary
- Merciful 8/12 Cruel
- Modest 4/16 Proud
- Spiritual 4/16 Worldly
- Prudent 3/17 Reckless
- Temperate 4/16 Indulgent
- Trusting 10/10 Suspicious
- Valorous 16/4 Cowardly
- Chivalry: No
- Religious: Yes (+1d6 Damage)
- Famous Traits in bold
Directed Traits
- Suspicious of Norwegians +4
- Loyalty (Bledgur) 15
- Love (Family) 16
- Hospitality 18
- Honor 15
- Hate (Saxons) 17
- Loyalty (Order of the Grey Wolf) 14
Non-Combat Skills
Awareness (5)
Boating Use Seamanship
Chirurgery ―
Compose (2)
Courtesy (3) 16
Dancing (1)
Faerie Lore (2)
Falconry (2) 3
Fashion ―
First Aid (8) 9
Flirting Use Nordic Charm
Folklore (5) 6
Gaming (2)
Heraldry (0)
Hunting (8) 12
Industry ―
Intrigue Use Nordic Charm
Orate (2)
Play (harp) (2)
Read (runes) (2)
Recognize (2) 3
Religion (Norse Pagan) (2) 4
Romance (0)
Singing (2)
Stewardship (2)
Swimming (8) 12
Tourney (0)
Seamanship (10) 19
Nordic Charm (2) 16
Combat Skills
Battle (5) 15
Siege (2) 3
Horsemanship (1) 15
Great Axe (8) 24
Lance (1) 16
Spear (8) 15
Dagger (5)
Sword (3) 10
- Chainmail (10)
- Shield (6)
- Great-Axe
- 5 spears
- dagger
- Sword
- 20L in treasure left from his father
Horses Charger, 2 rouncy, sumpter
Squires 1 (Age 15, Sword, First Aid, Other)
Longboat of 16. Can carry 32 raiders plus 4 sailors and captain. If the raiders are knights then that is 16 (+squires) as well as Thorvin as captain.
Winterbourne Stoke
Village. Hate Landlord 0
Mill, Bakery, Village Church, 4 Hamlets
Manor: Simple Hall, Wooden
Yearly Glory: 6
Held in Wardship of Bebinn nee Tophias
Family Characteristic:
- Young Knights
- Other Men
- Levy
Other Living relatives
Deceased Relatives
Experience Checks
Passions and Traits
Non-com Skills
Combat Skills