Nadia Loginova

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Nadia Loginova/Kseniya Fadeyeva

Race: Human ( Exceptional Potential:+1 to POI)

Archetype: Gifted (Will Weaver)-Strength of Will

Career 1: Gun Mage Career 2: Spy

Stats: PHY: 5 SPD: 6 STR: 4 AGL: 4 PRW:4 POI: 5 INT: 4 ARC: 3 PER: 4

Derived Stats: DEF: 13 Initiative: 14 ARM:10 WIL: 9 (DEF and ARM modified accoding to equipment bought)

Step 4 increases: AGL, INT, PER Abilities: Craft Rune Shot, Fast Reload, Battle Plan: Shadow, Cover Identity(Kseniya Fadeyeva, Gun for Hire. Cover Career: Soldier. Occupational Skill: Medicine), Language(Llaelese)

Connections: Intelligence Network (Prikaz Chancellery)

Military Skills: Hand Weapon 1, Pistol 1

Occupational Skills: Command 1, Deception 2, Detection 2, Disguise 1, Sneak 1, Intimidation 1, Medicine 1, Interrogation 2

Languages: Khadoran, Sulese, Llaelese

Spells: Rune Shot: Accuracy, Rune Shot: Brutal, Rune Shot: Thunderbolt

Assets: 85 gp, forged identity papers, ammo bandolier, magelock pistol (with powder and ten rounds of ammunition), a rune shot casting kit, axe, dagger, armored great coat (the latter three have been bought at the end of character creation. 40 gp were deducted).

Life Spiral: Physique OO 1: OO 2: O

Agility OO 3: O 4: O

Intellect OO 5: O 6: O


Nadia grew up in a small village of devout Old Faith followers near Port Vladovar. After her talents manifested she eagerly enlisted and began her training as a gun mage. When she returned, following the conclusion of her basic training she was shocked to learn that some of her fellow villagers had not only defected to the Protectorate of Menoth but somehow ended up in a failed plot which claimed her mother’s life. Feeling betrayed and enraged, Nadia ended up in the Prikaz Chancellery, searching for spies and conspirators against the Motherland. After being stationed in Divided Llael for two years, she has just been reassigned. As Kseniya Fadeyeva, a persona she has used more than once, she joined the mercenaries hired to guard Iosif Smirnov. The chancellery knows that the professor’s research has gained the interest of more than one faction and would like to have first-hand knowledge about everything that transpires.