Alessandro Il Gattopardo
Mystic L3
- Str 12
- ref 12
- int 14
- psy 14 [+1 Magical Attack, +1 Magical Defence]
- look 11
- Xp 60
- Health Points: 8
- Attack 13
- Defence 7
- Magical Attack 17
- Magical Defence 7
- Evasion 3
- Psychic Fatigue check 16 - spell level
- Alessandro is a na'er do well that has been serving as a mercenary to get away from the town for a while after suspicion of his activities grew too great. He is a half brother of Zampa, growing up in the forests with the charcoal burners and indulging in petty banditry and poaching. H
- Alessandro discovered his mystic powers when running away from a failed theft from a wagon train in the forests he stumbled over tree roots and fell into an underground chamber, there he was awakened by a strange fey creature which told him of his abilities and made him swear not to harm the trees which her kind lived in.
- Getting away from his crimes he has served as a mercenary scout and has now come into Ferromaine seeking gain and to leave the battlefield behind.
- Lantern, flint & tinder, backpack, bow, quiver with 12 arrows, dagger, ring mail armour, Sword, 2 flasks of oil, purse with 84 florins