Rex 1
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Rex is a second generation "feral" Dog Boy. He grew up in various mercenary companies and towns, spending his time with engineers and technicians. He grew up to be a skilled operator and psychic, with a natural aptitude towards telemechanics. Never the biggest or strongest, Rex is quick, smart and spirited with a penchant for dirty tricks in a fight.
He decided to join the Tomorrow Legion because of a bar fight. As a Dog Boy he's used to being treated poorly because he's not human for some and too Coalition for others, so it was business as usual listening to some dumb hicks talk trash about non-humans and DBs. Until their talk cause a passing Legionnaire group to tell them to please be quiet so they could enjoy their drinks. The next thing he knew it was a full on ballroom (or taproom in this case) blitz. At one point he ended up back to back with one of the Tomorrow Legion, punching out hicks and dodging bar stools. After he woke up the next morning, surrounded by the wreckage of the drinking establishment, he thought about the things he'd heard others say about the Legion while he helped the owner try to salvage his bar. It might be nice to work for people who didn't put up with tearing down others for not being human enough...
Rex "Wrecks" Spotson
XP- 20 (Seasoned) Iconic Framework- M.A.R.S. (Psi-Operator) Strain-
Narrative Hook- Sometimes It Starts in a Bar. She just wanted a drink and some peace, but something happened. Perhaps it was the wrong word at the wrong time, a case of mistaken identity, or any one of a hundred things that can go wrong where lots of alcohol and poor impulse control are concerned. Your character wound up in one of the biggest bar fights of her life, and between then and now, she wound up joining the Legion.
Hero's Journey
Experience & Wisdom- Life on the road, in the wilderness, and wandering the streets of the cities that remain gave your character special insight and some key experience with a particular calling. You may give her one Professional Edge, ignoring requirements, subject to the GM’s approval and it making at least some kind of sense.
Psionics- Some psionic characters become expert at breaking the influence others have on people. As an action, your character can give an ally an immediate attempt to break out of illusion (and deadly illusion) or puppet (and mind control) at +2, and he can do this once per round until they break free. This benefit also aids anyone under the mind walk Mega Power.
Training- When it gets up-close and ugly, your hero knows how to set up her opponents for a nasty fall, while protecting herself. She has the Dirty Fighter Edge (or Tricky Fighter, if she already has Dirty Fighter). She also gains +1 to Parry.
Close Combat- You may add any Close Combat Weapon listed in this book to your character’s gear list. If this is not your first roll, apply any other results from rolling on this table to your newly chosen weapon as you wish. (From Rich)
Close Combat- For some, it’s about the surprise. For others, it’s about not having to switch weapons during an engagement. Your hero’s melee weapon has an embedded laser (Range 15/30/60, Damage 2d6, RoF 1, AP 2, Shots 16). (From Rich)
Agility- d8 (+2 steps Breed Advantage)
Smarts- d10
Strength- d6
Spirit- d8
Vigor- d4
Secondary Attributes
Toughness- 10 (5)
Parry- 7
Pace 6
Psionics -d10
Repair -d10
Shooting -d8
Knowledge -d8 (Electronics)
Knowledge -d4 (Industrial)
Knowledge -d6 (Techno-Can)
Knowledge -d6 (Computers)
Notice -d6
Fighting d8
Arcane Background (Psionics)
Mr. Fix-It
Breed Advantage (Agile x2)
Dirty Fighter
Major Psionic
Master Psionic
I Know A Guy
Connections (Black Market)
Connections (Mercenaries)
Rapid Recharge (25xp)
Power Points (+10 ISP; 30XP)
New Power- Bolt (35xp)
Bad Eyes (Minor)
Quirk (Foul-mouthed)
Outsider (Dog Boy)
Huntsman Light Armor NG-33 Laser Pistol NG-S2 Suvival Pack 4d6x100 Credits Flaming Sword w/ embedded laser (Range 15/30/60, Damage 2d6, RoF 1, AP 2, Shots 16)
20 ISP
Fortune and Glory
Strong and Powerful
Charming and Well-Traveled
Wealthy and Connected