WoTW IronHeroesPCCreation
Here's some notes regarding PC Creation for the Wealth Of The World Iron Heroes PBP game.
Read Pages 11 -12 of the Iron Heroes variant player's handbook.
Come up with a concept
"Don't use easy hooks like "good" and "evil"." -- I like that advice quite a lot.
Think about Background, goals, likes, dislikes.
PCs are human, and suitable for a psudo historical medieval / dark ages / late classic era game. Otherwise go nuts.
I expect every player to have a PC background that includes:
- somebody they love,
- somebody they hate,
- something they have,
- something they want, and
- something they fear.
Also each PC will have existing friendly connections to the other PCs -- I don't want to fritter away playing time on meet and greets.
Also select gender, apperance, and what not.
Name the character -- See Kate Monk's Onomastikon for lists of names.
Figure Ability scores
PCs use one of the three quick ability arrays on page 17 of the Iron Heroes variant player's handbook.
Standard Ability array: 16, 16, 14, 14, 12, 10. OR
Focused Character array: 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8. OR
Jack of All trades array: 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14. OR
any other array adding up to 24 points using the procedure on that page.
Attribute Cost
8 -2 (Only one stat can be bought down to 8)
10 0
11 1 (Price one point per point increase)
12 2
13 3
14 4
15 5
16 7 (Price increase per point to 2)
17 9
18 13 (Price increases again, to 4 per point)
19 17
20 21
21 25
Choose Traits and Class
Everybody has two traits and one class. Don't pick Arcanist, I heard it's broken.
Note Token Pools.
Buy Skills
Note Skill groups. Also note that, per the Errata, Boosting a Skill group doesn't add specialties to things like Knowledge, Profession, or Performance.
There's a pigin "Common" along the silk road that we can presume everybody speaks.
Local Languages
Bactarian, a Greek dialect (which I just invented, may or may not have existed in the real world.)
Sanskript (Hindu)
Farsi (Persian).
Languages From Farther away
Aramaic (spoken by Arabs and Jews as well)
Germanic (spoken by Goth barbarians and Arthurian Knights.)
Hanish (Chinese. We may regard the language of Wei and other Chinese Kingdoms as identical for our purpose.)
Turkish (Spoken by barbarians).
Mongol (Spoken by even worse barbarians)
Korean. Thai. Malay, Japanese. (Spoken by eastern barbarians).
Literacy is a big deal
PCs are automagically literate in languages they speak.
Most NPCs aren't literate.
Reading and speak multiple languages could be ignored for game purposes, but if you spend points on it I'll come up with a way for it to come in handy. Diplomatic bonuses or the like.
Choose feats
You start with two. Mastery ratings can be purchased at start up as well as General feats. Select only from those allowed for your class. Note any changes to skills, token pools, etc.
Figure Hit Points
Take the max roll possible for your hit die, and add Con modifiers.
Buy Equipment
Start with 200 Denairs (Gold Pieces).
Gain Five more levels
Add a class level. I request you avoid multiclassing. For Each Level:
Record new class abilities. Add a new feat for each even numbered level (2, 4, 6) At fourth level, add an attribute point. Buy more skills. Add hit points. Congradulations, take the max possible roll!
Calculate BAB, defense bonus, save mods, skill mods and all that stuff.
Fill out a character sheet, and post a copy here and on the wiki page.
Negotiate with me for more gear and other resources.
RobertEdwards 07:36, 3 September 2006 (PDT)