Shael the Sullen
- Elven Nightblade 2
- XP: 2,775/5,550
- Neutral
- PC
- 12 STR
- 15 INT (+1)
- 14 WIS (+1)
- 13 DEX (+1)
- 10 CON
- 08 CHA (-1)
- Languages
- Common
- Elven
- Gnoll
- Hobgoblin
- Orc
- General Proficiencies
- Healing II (see p 61)
- Class Proficiencies
- Acrobatics (+2 to saves where agility would help, like tilting floors or pit traps; 19+ pro. throw to tumble behind a foe in melee, success equals +2 on attack throw, foe's shield doesn't count, can backstab)
- Attunement to Nature (+1 on surprise rolls in wilderness)
- Backstab (+4 to attack throw when foe unaware of presence, double damage)
- Climb Walls (5+ pro. throw per 100' he intends to climb)
- Connection to Nature (Immune to ghoul paralysis, saves vs Spells and Petrif. & Paralysis reduced by 1)
- Dual Wielding (When fighting with a weapon in each hand, gain +1 to attack throw)
- Hide in Shadows (18+ pro. throw)
- Keen Eyes (Detect Hidden or Secret Doors with 8+ pro. throw if actively searching or 14+ on casual inspection)
- Move Silently (16+ pro. throw)
- Swashbuckling (+1 to AC if wearing leather or less and free to move)
- AC 4
- HP 8
- Movement Rate 90/30/90
- Initiative Modifier +1
- Attack throw 10+
- Primary Melee Attack: Sword & Dagger 9+, 1d6
- Secondary Melee Attack: Sword (2h) 10+, 1d8
- Primary Ranged Attack: Crossbow 9+, 1d6
- Saves:
- 12 Petrification & Paralysis
- 13 Poison & Death
- 16 Blast & Breath
- 14 Staves & Wands
- 14 Spells
- First Level: 2 per day
- Charm Person
- Hold Portal
Gear, Armor, Weapons: Total Encumbrance (5s, 5i)
- Leather armor (2s)
- Sword (1i)
- Dagger (1i)
- Crossbow (1s)
- Bolts x20 (1i)
- Pouch (44 gp, 9 sp) (1i)
- Backpack (1i)
- Birthwort x3 (3i)
- Comfrey x2 (2i)
- Rations, Iron x1 (1i)
- Rope, 50' (1i)
- Waterskin (1i)
- Tinderbox (1i)
- Torches x6 (1i)
- Hammer, small (1i)
- Iron spikes x12 (1i)