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Low Power D&D3-5

Name Ugruk

Race Orc

Player ChalkLine

Classes Fighter 1

Hit Points 12

Experience 0 1000

Alignment Neutral

Vision Darkvision (60')

Speed Walk 30 ft.

Languages Common, Orc

Stat Score Mod

STR 18 (+4)

DEX 16 (+3)

CON 14 (+2)

INT 9 (-1)

WIS 6 (-2)

CHA 6 (-2)


SKILL NAME Key Ability Skill Modifier = Ability Modifier + Ranks + Misc
Appraise INT -1 = -1 + 0 + 0
Balance DEX 1 = 3 + 0 + -2
Bluff CHA -2 = -2 + 0 + 0
Climb STR 3 = 4 + 1.0 + -2
Concentration CON 2 = 2 + 0 + 0
Craft (Untrained) INT -1 = -1 + 0 + 0
Diplomacy CHA -2 = -2 + 0 + 0
Disguise CHA -2 = -2 + 0 + 0
Escape Artist DEX 1 = 3 + 0 + -2
Forgery INT -1 = -1 + 0 + 0
Gather Information CHA -2 = -2 + 0 + 0
Heal WIS -2 = -2 + 0 + 0
Hide DEX 1 = 3 + 0 + -2
Intimidate CHA -2 = -2 + 0 + 0
Jump STR 2 = 4 + 0 + -2
Listen WIS -2 = -2 + 0 + 0
Move Silently DEX 2 = 3 + 1.0 + -2
Ride DEX 3 = 3 + 0 + 0
Search INT -1 = -1 + 0 + 0
Sense Motive WIS -2 = -2 + 0 + 0
Spot WIS -2 = -2 + 0 + 0
Survival WIS -2 = -2 + 0 + 0
Swim STR 1 = 4 + 1.0 + -4
Use Rope DEX 3 = 3 + 0 + 0

Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword)

Power Attack.

Light Sensitivity- Orcs are dazzled in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.

Total AC Touch Flat Footed

17 14 14

Initiative +3

BAB +1

Melee to hit +5

Ranged to hit +4

Fortitude +4

Reflex +3

Will -2

Unarmed Attack To Hit +5

Damage 1d3+4 Critical 20/x2

Spiked Gauntlet To Hit +5

Damage 1d4+4 Critical 20/x2

Dagger To Hit +5

Damage 1d4+4 Critical 19-20/x2

Dagger (Thrown) (10ft range) To Hit +4

Damage 1d4 Critical 19-20/x2

Short Bow (60ft range) To Hit +4

Damage 1d6 Critical 20/x3

Bastard Sword To Hit +5

Damage 1d10+4 Critical 19-20/x2


Name Qty Lbs

Arrows (20) 1 3lbs

Spiked Gauntlet 2 2lbs

Explorer's Outfit 1 8lbs

Shield Light/Metal 1 6lbs

Studded Leather 1 20lbs

Sword Bastard 1 6lbs

Short Bow 1 2lbs

Total weight carried: 42lbs

Current load Light

Funds: 3.5gp


Light 100lbs

Medium 20lbs

Heavy 300lbs

Height: 0' 0"

Weight: 0 lbs.

Gender: Male

Eyes: Red

Hair: Black bristle, cropped short

Skin: Light Grey

Dominant Hand: Right

Speech style: Rough, Guttural

The Three Best Things in Life According to Ugruk;

- Being lazy. Sleeping and loafing are beyond pleasurable, they are bliss.

- Food and Drink. More a gourmand than a gourmet, Ugruk has no concept of moderation as yet.

- Absence of Fear. Ugruk is always fearful. He's frightened of the light, cruel orcs higher up in the clan, sneaky orcs lower down in the clan, atavistic terrors lurking in the brightness outside and anything not covered by the above. In the few times Ugruk has known peace in his short life, he has come to savour those moments with an almost reverent worship.

Ugruk is a simple being intially, he has basic wants and fears as he has never had the security to develop his outlook. He's probably going to wholey become the product of his environment, companions and adventures.

Low Power D&D3-5