SP Gee-force

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Revision as of 08:58, 11 February 2017 by Praxias (talk | contribs) (Character Name)
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Character Name

Hero Points 1

Movement Primary: 30 ft (Walking) Secondary:: Leaping 7 (900 ft)

Current Conditions


File:Template.jpg (Comment: As set up, this requires that the picture be uploaded to the Wiki. Replace Template with the name of the picture)

Personal Info

After his trip through the Arch, Isaac stands six feet tall with a sturdy, though not overly muscular, frame. The Arch changed his skin to resemble a patch of the night sky, complete with slowly shifting stars. His eyes are usually inky black like the rest of his skin with brilliant pinpoints of light for pupils, though occasionally strong emotion and powerful exertion will cause his eyes to blaze like the sun.


Career / Daytime Activities


0/8 Str (0 Pts)

4 Agl (8 Pts)

8 Fgt (16 Pts)

5 Sta (10 Pts)

3 Awe (6 Pts)

2 Int (4 Pts)

1 Pre (2 Pts)

Characteristics Total: 52


Gravitic Strength +8 Attack DC 23 Unarmed attack

Gravitic Manipulation +8 Attack DC 23 Damaging Ranged Move Object; Ranges 40/80/200ft

Heavy Grav Field +8 Attack DC 15 Resist Fort; Hindered/Prone/Incapacitated


8 Dodge Base 4 + Purchase 4 (4 Pts)

8 Parry Base 8 + Purchase 0 (- Pts)

7 Fortitude Base 5 + Purchase 2 (2 Pts)

8/5 Toughness Base 5 + Powers/Adv/Equip 3

9 Will Base 3 + Purchase 6 (6 Pts)

Defenses Total: 12


Connected- Make a Persuasion check to call in a favor

Defensive Roll 3- +3 Toughness when not surprised

Fast Grab- May make grab attempt after successful unarmed attack. Deals normal damage and attack roll counts as initial grab attack roll.

Improved Grab- Make and maintain grabs with one hand; not vulnerable when grabbing

Ranged Attack 5

Equipment 4

Languages 1- Spanish

Advantages Total: 16


+5 Acrobatics 4 + 1

+4/12 Athletics 0/8 + 4

+4 Deception 1 + 3

+6 Insight 3 + 3

+1 Intimidation 1 + 0

+5 Perception 3 + 2

+7 Persuasion 1 + 6

+5 Sleight of Hand 3 + 2

+4 Stealth 4 + 0

+6 Technology 2 + 4

+4 Vehicles 3 + 1

Skills Total: 13


Abandoned Warehouse 13ep Toughness 10, Size Medium; Features [Communications, Computer, Concealed 1, Garage, Gym, Living Space, Power System, Secret 1, Security System 1, Workshop: Mundane]

Smartphone 2ep

Flashlight 1ep

Total Ep= 16


8 Gravitational Manipulation Move Object Damaging (+1/r), Subtle 1 (1) Diminished Range 2 (-2)

A Gravitic Strength

8A Enhanced Ability: Strength

7A Leaping

5B Heavy Grav Field Affliction Affects Objects (+1/r), Area: Burst (+1/r), Increased Duration: Concentration (+1/r), Subtle 1 (+1)

Stellar Resistances

2 Immunity: Gravity Descriptor

Powers Total: 27


Prejudice- Isaac is obviously an Archie

Reputation- Since he doesn't bother to hide his identity, Isaac's criminal record is public record.


Starting PL: 8

Earned PPs:

Spent PPS:

Character Math

Characteristics Total 52

+ Defenses Total 12

+ Advantages Total 16

+ Skills Total 13

+ Powers Total 27

= Total Points 120