DRYH: Ashes of Gods - Setting Details

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Revision as of 23:38, 3 February 2017 by Brahnamin (talk | contribs)
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Urchins - Gas Mask Faced kids in wartime period garb, England WW1. Minor Nightmares

Haggler King - Nightmare of the Bazaar

Hagglers - Denizens of the Bizarre Bazaar

Raggle Taggle Hagglers - Nightmare Hagglers as RK

Clockwork Insects - as per RK

Nurse Wretched - missing lower jaw

Scampers - as per RK

Cogs - as per RK

Black Dogs/Houndmaster - as per Huntsman RK except lean black man with face painted as skull, top hat, shirtless, black waistcoat w/tails. Massive black hounds

Willow Women - as per RK

Wisps - as per RKish

The Eyeless (wax king esque)