Captain Proton
Captain Proton/Bill Burgundy
- PL 14 (max 13)
- Hero Points: 7
- STR: 20 (+5 +12(SuperStr) = +17)
- DEX: 13 (+1)
- CON: 20 (+5)
- INT: 10 (+0)
- WIS: 16 (+3)
- CHA: 18 (+4)
[37p for Attributes]
- Base Attack Bonus: 6 [18p]
- Melee: 6(BAB) +5(Str) +1 (Attack focus)= +12
- Ranged: 6(BAB) +1(Dex) = +7
- Base Defense Bonus: 4 [8p]
- Defense: 10 +4(BDB) +1(Dex) = 15
- Flatfooted: 10 +4(BDB) = 14
- Initiative: +1(Dex) = +1
- Unarmed Damage: +5(Str) +12(Super-Str) = +17S
- Speed: 30/ 60/ 120
- Flight Speed: 55/ 110/ 409,600(due to Super-Flight)
- Flight Sprint: 409,600 ft/round = 12.92 miles/sec = 77.52 miles/round = 775 miles/min = 46,500 miles/hr.
- (Note: The circumference of the Earth at the equator is 24,900 miles, so he can circle the Earth in half an hour at most latitudes.) ([i]Note:[/i] Low earth orbit is at ~220 miles => he can reach it in 3 rounds)
- Space Flight: Once out of the atmosphere Captain Proton can travel x1024 the speed of light, meaning he can be anywhere in the solar system in seconds.
- Dam: +5(Con) +2(Toughness) = +7 (Also Protection 12)
- Fort: +5(Con)
- Refl: +1(Dex)
- Will: +6(Wis)
- Attack Focus (unarmed) (Add +1 to hit for unarmed attacks)
- Darkvision (Able to see in the dark)
- Durability (Lethal damage with bonus <= Damage Save (= 7) becomes Stun damage instead)
- Fame (Both Captain Proton and Bill Burgundy are widelyt reknowed.)
- Identity Change (Can transform into Bill by "pulling back" his atomic energy, resulting in a less muscular build (-4 str, -4 con), a softening of cial features, and looking about 10 years older.)
- Penetration Vision (Can see through any substance other than lead.)
- Power Attack (During Attack, can take up to -5 on Attack & add same to Damage. Bill calls it his haymaker special.)
- Radio hearing (Can 'hear' radio waves')
- Rapid Strike (2 attacks/round, -2 to both attacks. Bill calls it his one-two combo.)
- Startle (By intimidating opponents with his vast atomic power, Proton can catch them off-guard. He calls it his sucker punch special.)
- Ultrahearing (Bill's hearing stretches to far above and below normal ranges.)
[24p for Feats]
Power: Telescopic Sense (sight) 10 (20p)
- Extra: Extra Sense (hearing) 8 (8p
- Captain Proton's keen senses miss little.
Power: Flight 11 (22p)
- Stunts: Super-Flight (2p), Space Flight (2p)
- It's nice on Jupiter this time of year.
Power: Super-Strength 12(48)
- Extra: Immunities (10p)
- (Aging, Radiation, Energy/Cold, Energy/Heat, Exhaustion, Poison, Pressure, Starvation, Suffocation)
- Extra: Protection 12(12)
- Stunt: Lifting x 2 (4pt)
- One of the mightiest beings on the planet, Proton can lift over 6 million pounds with great effort.
Power: Super-Charisma 4 (8p)
- Captain Proton has excellent instincts.
- (( Proton is always compelling, even when being a doofus.))
Power: Wisdom 3 (9p)
- Captain Proton's mighty presence fills whatever room he's in.
- (( Proton's enchanced senses have made him startlingly more aware of the world around him.))
Skills: Total/ Base / Rank / Other /
- Diplomancy 13(Cha)= +8 + 3 /+2 synergy
- Bluff 14(Cha)= +8 + 6
- Prff (Anchor) 13(Wis)= +6 = +7
10p for Skills
- Naive (-10p)(Captain Proton believes the best of all people, and is willing to give even enemies a second chance. He suffers -5 on Sense Motive rolls and checks to avoid being surprised in combat. And he always falls for the cheap shot.)
- Code of Chivalry (-10p) (Must spend Hero Point to attack a woman.)
[-20p for Weaknesses]
230p -20p = 210p Total
Captain Proton stands 6 foot and three inches tall (190 centimeters, metric boy) and has a massive physique, bursting with mighty atomic power. Facially he looks like the actor Will Ferrell, as he would be in his early 30's. He wears a blue spandex costume with white stripes down the sides. There is a large white circle in the center of his chest with a red atomic symbol emblazoned on it. Its rings extend outside the white area, into the blue. He also has a short blue cape with yellow trim, which only extends to his waist. He wears tight white gloves on his hands, and has heavy black military boots on his feet. Often, Captain Proton will hover a foot or so off the ground when talking to people, making him seem even taller. He also tends to constantly look off in the distance when talking to people. This makes them think he's not paying full attention to them, when in fact he is constantly monitoring the city for dangers. (Which okay, means he's not paying full attention to them. But hey, there's absolutely no malice about it!)
Captain Proton has a mighty presence, and when he speaks you can almost hear the crackling of energy in his voice. He also had a charming smile and oftne comes off as a likeable doofus. When trying to be frightening, his energy can take on a menacing edge.
In his civilian identity as city news anchorman Bill Burgundy, he wears a neatly tailored business suit and black horn-rimmed glasses. He also looks over a decade older and somewhat like a weaker, less inflated version of Captain Proton, with subtle variation in eyes and facial structure disguising him.