Solitaire (The Snark)

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A character in the campaign Back to the Future Past.


Agility 2, Awareness 4, Dexterity -2, Fighting 0, Intellect 4, Presence -2, Stamina 6, Strength 2


Dodge +12, Fortitude +10, Parry +10, Toughness +12, Will +12


Acrobatics 2 (+4), Athletics 4 (+6), Expertise: Military 4 (+8), Expertise: Science 2 (+6), Intimidation 6 (+4), Investigation 2 (+6), Perception 8 (+12), Stealth 6 (+8), Technology 6 (+10), Treatment 2 (+6)


All-out Attack, Great Endurance, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Teamwork


Augmented Senses: Senses 2 (ranged accurate Detect Metal, low-light vision, radio sense; noticeable -1)

Cyborg Body: Immunity 30 (Fortitude effects; limited to half effect -1/rank, noticeable -1)

""Internal Diagnostics:"" Feature 1 (perfectly aware of own body, injuries, conditions etc)

""Nanorepair Circuits:"" Regeneration 1

""Subdermal Plating:"" Protection 6 (noticeable -1)

Ferrokinesis (60-point array)

  • Basic Ferrokinesis: Move Object 12 (damaging +1/rank, limited to metal -1/rank, range: perception +1/rank, precise 1); add Accurate 7, Homing 2, Improved Critical 2, and Multiattack +1/rank to thrown object attacks
  • Metal Shaper: Transform 12 (metal from one shape to another, 3 points/rank base; duration: permanent, range: perception +2/rank)
  • Metal Storm: Damage 12 (area: 30-foot burst +1/rank, selective +1/rank) linked to Deflect 12 (area: 30-foot burst +1/rank, range: close -1/rank, selective +1/rank)
  • Restore Structure: Healing 12 (affects objects +1/rank, limited to metal -1/rank, range: perception +2/rank, restorative +1/rank)
  • Absorb Metal: Weaken Toughness 12 (affects objects only, distracting -1/rank, limited to metal -1/rank, range: perception +2/rank) linked to Damage 12 (limited to metal objects -2/rank, range: perception +2/rank) and Healing 12 (fades -1/rank, reaction: when using above power +3/rank, self only -1/rank)
  • Animate Metal: Summon 12 (controlled +1/rank, duration: concentration -1/rank, general type: animated metal objects +1/rank, heroic +2/rank, self-powered -1/rank)
  • Assimilate Machinery: Variable 8 (40 points copied from available equipment or technology)

""Hover:"" Flight 2 (platform -1/rank)

""Metal Sense:"" Senses 4 (ranged accurate Detect: Metal)


Motivation - Acceptance: Ever since escaping from the hive-mind's grasp, Solitaire has struggled with identity problems. She knows she doesn't want to be a faceless cog in the machine, but she isn't sure who she [I]does[/I] want to be.

Monophobia: Being an individual is great, but sometimes it's frightening to be alone in your own head. There's a sense of loss, like the phantom pains described by amputees. The company of other people helps - it's not the same as sharing every thought and desire as effortlessly as breathing, but it's something. Without human contact, the loneliness can easily overwhelm her.

Quirk - Naiveté: Solitaire spent most of her childhood as a drone in a techno-organic hivemind hostile to humanity. The rest of her life consists of fighting for survival in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. This has not prepared her well for the modern world. Everything she knows about civilization comes from either listening to older survivors talk about it, or picking through the ruins it left behind.

Prejudice: Though she possesses free will, Solitaire is still a tech-zombie. Most human survivors will recognize this and be suspicious of her, if not outright hostile. Even in the idyllic past, she may face problems - the hivemind did not optimize for aesthetic appeal.

Weakness - Cyborg: Being part organic and part machine, Solitaire shares the weaknesses of both: she can be poisoned or infected like any animal, but can also be hacked or hit with an EMP. Her dual nature makes her resistant to most such effects (see Immunity), but against any Fortitude-based attack that can affect objects [I]and[/I] living creatures she loses this benefit. Additionally, any power with the Electricity descriptor bypasses her Immunity.[/sblock]

PL: 12

Power Points: 180 (Abilities 28, Defenses 32, Skills 21, Advantages 5, Powers 94)

Power Points remaining: 0 Hero Points: 1