Belle Liberté (JaeFru)
Belle Liberté
Name: Isabelle Stein (public)
Age: 117 (in 2037)
Player: JaeFru
Gender: F
Points Spent
Abilities (44); Powers 44; Defenses (32); Skills (51); Advantages (9): Total = 180
Strength 2
Agility 3
Fighting 3
Awareness 5
Stamina 1
Dexterity 3
Intellect 2
Presence 3
Dodge (AGL) 10
Parry (FGT) 10
Fortitude (STA) 10
Toughness (STA) 13
Will (AWE) 14
Skills rank - total
acrobatics 4 - 7
athletics 6 - 9
close combat: melee 9 - 12
deception 12 - 15
expertise:guerilla tactics 10 - 13
insight awe 11 - 16
inv 6 - 9
perc 11 - 16
persuasion 14 - 17
rngd cmbt: thrown 9 - 12
stealth 8 - 11
tech 1 - 4
vehicles 1 - 4
Great Endurance
Well Informed
Inspire (2 ranks)
Hide in plain sight
Uncanny Dodge
Immune (Aging,disease,poison) 3
Comprehend (languages) (2 pts)
Protection 12
healing (limit:self) 3
Leaping 2
Quickness 3
Luck 1
device: Chakram (Easily removable)
Blast 12 (ranged)
Alternate Powers: 2
Damage (close combat) 12
Deflect 12
Feature 1 (fancy future tech that brings it back to her arm)
(15 pts total with the easily removable flaw)
enemy (The Vichy Viper)
motivation: responsibility, doing good (living up to the image people have of her)
Isabelle was born in Paris in 1921 to Jewish parents. Her life was simple enough, easy enough, even if the rise of the Nazi party and their views were worrisome. She was young, she didn't think they'd bother her in France. The Vichy regime, of course, increased those worries. Increasingly, she faced prejudice and anti-Semitism, as did her family. Things came to a head early in 1940, when her parents were murdered by the fascists in power.
It was no longer safe in Paris, but she'd been hearing stories of the Maquis, the resistance, forming against the Vichy government and the Nazis. When she found the Maquis, she joined them. It turned out she was adept at fighting the good fight. Very adept. It wasn't enough to save her first cell, she was the only one who made it out of an ambush in '41. To say she walked out would be overstating things. Isabelle barely made it out alive and if not for the radical medical procedure where she acted as a human guinea pig for the injections that turned her into a Superhero.
That was a turning point for Isabelle, as instead of just being another member of the resistance, she became a leader and a symbol. While she remained a key part of the Maquis, she increasingly became part of the war as a whole, rather than just France. It's also when she met the Vichy Viper, the Vichy Regime's answer to La Belle Liberté. To say they clashed would be putting it mildly. They stood for opposite philosophies and fought fiercely for what they believed.
Of course, there is no war without cost. As the fighting went on, it became increasingly clear that she was more durable than the people she cared for, her friends, her found family; it was a painful thing to watch them go. Still, the Allies won the war, and some of her loved ones survived along with her.
The War ended, life went on. There were still fights to be fought, and Isabelle made it a point to target fascist regimes, to stand up for the little guy and the oppressed. Life wasn't without its joys, though - she still had her friends and she found a sweetheart, Joyce.
As the years passed, it became increasingly clear that as the people around her aged, she still looked like she did in 1941. The people around her aged, died, but she remained, unchanged. It started to seem more of a curse than a blessing, as she watched everyone she loved die in front of her eyes.
She spent a few decades trying not to form attachments; she threw herself into her work, her causes. She never managed to die. The new century brought new people into her life and at long last, she started to get those pesky attachments again. She fell in love.
A few years later, the world ended. She survived. She always survived.