Deionarius the Imprudent

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Deionarius the Imprudent

The history of this individual is regarded by the majority of scholars as indicative of the insular and overconfident *Fifteen Heavens Dancing Period of the *Grey Serpent Interregnum between the Ninth and Tenth Primordial Wars -- however, it seems clear that his reputation is underserved, following the discovery of hitherto unseen records dating to that period in the White Temple of X'arr.

Born in an icy fishing village in one of the more bleak regions of the North to peons of no particular importance, Deionarius soon excelled himself in whale hunts and other quaint activities common to that area, until he was approached by the Fair Folk queen Elan, who wished to make him her paramour. What happened next is unclear -- however, he returned to his home with a bearing he'd previously lacked and abilities that seem, at first glance, to be not unlike those of the Anathema, perhaps accounting for his reputation amoungst the more doctrinally orthodox of our bretheren. (The queen was never seen again.) His epithet derives from his destruction of the remaining fragments of the Alabaster Stars of Imran -- here is evidence that the Stars were by this point considered to be a metaphorical term for a body of doctrine, whatever may have been the case in previous ages -- which proved to be his undoing during the brief upsurge in Primordial activity that signalled the termination of the Period.

-- Derian Hyma, University College of Deheleshen

See also: Fifteen Heavens Dancing Period, Grey Serpent Interregnum