No Man's Cypher:Akhan Viz

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Specialist Akhan Viz, Imperial Survey Corps

An Intelligent Scientist who Solves Mysteries

Experience Points: 0

Karma Points: 1

Status and Pools

Might: 10/10, Edge 1

Speed: 12/12, Edge 1

Intellect: 14/14, Edge 0

Effort: 1

Cypher Limit: 2

Special Abilities


•Smart: +2 to your Intellect Pool.

•Skill: You’re trained in an area of knowledge of your choice. (chemistry)

•Skill: You’re trained in all actions that involve remembering or memorizing things you experience directly. For example, instead of being good at recalling details of geography that you read about in a book, you can remember a path through a set of tunnels that you’ve explored before.


•Practiced With Light and Medium Weapons

•Trained Without Armor

•Extra Edge

•Fleet of Foot

•Knowledge skills (biology, geography)

Solves mysteries:

•To really shine as an investigator, you must engage your mind and body in your deductions. You can spend points from your Might Pool, Speed Pool, or Intellect Pool to apply levels of Effort to any Intellect-based task. Enabler.

•Sleuth. Finding the clues is the first step in solving a mystery. You are trained in perception. Enabler.


Trained in:







  • Survey Corps standard fatigues w/cargo pockets (worn)
  • Hiking boots (worn)
  • Commemorative tuque from the first landing on Ceti Alpha VI (worn)


  • Medium Blaster (Medium Weapon, does 4 damage; slung on back)

Expensive items:

  • Environment suit (worn, helmet open)
  • Wrist computer (on wrist)

Moderately priced items:

  • Binoculars (strapped around neck)
  • Communicator (in pocket)

Inexpensive items:

  • Flashlight (in pocket)
  • Energy pack (in pocket)
  • Knife (on belt)
  • 1 Ration (in pocket)