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Temporary Sheet

Name: Ugruk

Race: Orc

Player: PLAYER

Classes: Fighter1

Hit Points: 12 Experience: 0 / 1000 Alignment: Neutral

Vision: Darkvision (60')

Speed: Walk 20 ft.

Languages: Common, Orc


STR 18 (+4)

DEX 16 (+3)

CON 14 (+2)

INT 9 (-1)

WIS 6 (-2)

CHA 6 (-2)


Skill Total Rnk Stat Msc

Appraise -1 0.0 -1 0

Balance -2 0.0 3 -5

Bluff -2 0.0 -2 0

Climb 0 4.0 4 -1

Concentration 2 0.0 2 0

Craft (Untrained) -1 0.0 -1 0

Diplomacy -2 0.0 -2 0

Disguise -2 0.0 -2 0

Escape Artist -2 0.0 3 -5

Forgery -1 0.0 -1 0

Gather Information -2 0.0 -2 0

Heal -2 0.0 -2 0

Hide -2 0.0 3 -5

Intimidate -2 0.0 -2 0

Jump -7 0.0 4 -8

Listen -2 0.0 -2 0

Move Silently -1 2.0 3 -5

Ride 3 0.0 3 0

Search -1 0.0 -1 0

Sense Motive -2 0.0 -2 0

Spot -2 0.0 -2 0

Survival -2 0.0 -2 0

Swim -5 4.0 4 -3

Use Rope 3 0.0 3 0


Power Attack

Weapon Focus (Longsword)

Armour Proficiency (Heavy, Medium, Light)

Martial Weapon Proficiency

Simple Weapons proficiency

Shield Proficiency

Tower Shield Proficiency

Light Sensitivity- Orcs are dazzled in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.

Total / Touch / Flat Footed

AC: 18 / 14 / 15

Initiative: +3

BAB: +1

Melee tohit: +5

Ranged tohit: +4

Fortitude: +4

Reflex: +3

Will: -2

Unarmed attack: to hit: +5 damage: 1d3+4 critical: 20/x2

Whip: to hit: +1 damage: 1d3+4 critical: 20/x2

Dagger: to hit: +5 damage: 1d4+4 critical: 19-20/x2

Dagger (Thrown): to hit: +4 damage: 1d4 critical: 19-20/x2 range: 10 ft.

Gauntlet, Spiked: to hit: +5 damage: 1d4+4 critical: 20/x2

Longsword: to hit: +6 damage: 1d8+4 critical: 19-20/x2

Shortbow: to hit: +4 damage: 1d6 critical: 20/x3 range: 60 ft.

Spiked Armor: to hit: +5 damage: 1d6+4 critical: 20/x2



Arrows (20) 1 3lbs

Gauntlet (Spiked) 2 0lbs

Outfit (Explorer's) 1 8lbs

Scale Mail 1 30lbs

Shield (Light/Metal) 1 6lbs

Spiked Armor 1 0lbs

Shortbow (2 lbs.)

Total weight caried:

Current load: Light


Light: 100 Medium: 200 Heavy: 300


Height: 0' 0"

Weight: 0 lbs.

Gender: Male

Eyes: Red

Hair: Black bristle,Cropped short

Skin: Light Grey

Dominant Hand: Right

Speech style: Rough

Ugruk was a war-slave.

The Giants kept their orcs in a state of savagery, and Ugruk is bestial to look at. Slope shouldered, bent backed and with a protruding maw, Ugruk's face is a mask of hate when in combat and he screeches like a banshee. The Giants do not usualy make war for territory, they seek captives for more sinister purposes and most nomads are willing to fight to the bitter end against the Giant led orc raiders.

In one of these skirmishes, the raiding band Ugruk was part of was ambushed by nomads riding to the rescue of their emperilled kin and slaughtered almost to an orc. He saved himself by hurling himself into a gully and scrabbling along the rough ground with arrows whistling past his ears. The darkness, the orc's friend, hid him and he managed to get well away before the painful sunrise hurt his eyes. He rested, quiet among the rocks for the next day wondering where the clan was and how he would get back. He was sore and exhausted, arrow knicks and bruises where he'd fallen or horses had collided with him in the route. He wormed deeper into the rockfall and rested for a few days, during which he realised that he wasn't really interested in going back to the clan at all. Not all his wounds were from combat, Ugruk bears great weals across his grey skin from many floggings and he did not relish returning and being held in part for the blame of his dead raider-kin. He thought on kind Osk, terrible in combat but not cruel, and wondered where he was. He'd left the clan, heading south away from nomads and to where it was whispered that you could sleep a whole day without some dirty little swine trying to cut your throat.

Ugruk left his rockslide and started heading south, keeping to the rough ground where he could to avoid nomads and their avenging arrows. He found that he became very fond of the twilight, the soft light was gentle on his eyes and he could make good ground before the humans became active. In a few short weeks, he'd wandered south into a forest . . .