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Aura (210 PP total, PL13)

Str 12 Dex 18 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 20 Cha 12 (26PP)

BAB +6 Ranged +10 Melee +10 BDB +6 Defense +10 with Dex (30PP)

Saves +9 Reflex +7 Fort +10 Will +12 Damage

Skills Acrobatics 5 (+9) Balance 5 (+9) Concentration 10 (+15) Diplomacy 5 (+6) Knowledge (Religion) 10 Listen 5 (+10) Sense Motive 10 (+15) Spot 10 (+15) (30PP)


Accurate Attack

Attack Finess



Iron Will

Detect (Spirits)

True Sight (14PP)

Powers Amazing Will Save 5

Amazing Reflex Save 5

Amazing Fortitude Save 5

Drain 13 (Attributes)

Force Field 10

Healing 3

Telekenesis 12

Postcognition 10 (Uncontrolled)


Ok then history. Such as it is;

A former televangelist Mark Grimwood made his living from the selling of such hits as "My personal saviour" and "He loves you all but you most of all," appealing to the more radical Christian groups who believed that they would be the only ones spared when the Rapture finally came. Not the greatest of livings but it paid the bills. Unfortunately for him it also tended to attract a somewhat worse class of religious obssesives. One night he was attacked leaving the hospitel, an assault that left him in hospital in a critical state for quite some time. When he left the hospital he was a changed man. His brief brush with near-death had put him in a reflective frame of mind. Was there really a God? Was there for that matter any form of afterlife? And if not what did that mean for him? His first action was to quit his job, the second to funnel most of his funds and personal belongings into paying for a journey, as his former boss derisively described it, of spiritual enlightenment. He went ot major religious sights all over the world, trying to find something to beleive in, something that would satisfy the nagging thoughts in his mind. Eventually, after much time spent searching, he found a monastery in India whose members beleived in the existence of a world of spirits connected to this one. This idea seemed to have some strange appeal to him, and he decided to take up residence in this place for a while. After close to a half a decade spent there he began to gain glimpses of the world that his hosts believed in, of the spirits that existed in everything. As more time passed he learned more about the spirit world, how to interact with it, using the spirits to shield his form, to take away the injuries of others and to strike at a persons spiritual energy. He never truly intended to become a superhero, yet with the discovery of there powers he also acquired a sense of duty. Knowing that there was an afterlife made him want to redeem himself for playing off people's belief s for so many years. He decided to leave the monastary and return to Freedom City and take on the role of a protector, like so many others had done before him.

Blimey I tooka while to get here. I'll do the description here so I don't have to do it IC and keep looking back for it.

Aged around 34 Mark is a lean man whose years of travelling have taken away what remained of his flab fromt he television days. Clean-shaven all over on his head he wears simple clothing, mainly t-shirts and joggin pants. Narrow brown eyes radiate a calmness that clashes with his most distinguishing features of all, his tattoos. A reminder of the monastary to him, every inch of his body that is visible is covered in tattoos of all manner of things. Ranging from swooping eagles to delicate roses all the way down to a pile of garbage there seems to be no pattern or logic to them.