Witch's Brew:Bodrick

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Revision as of 18:42, 21 April 2017 by Pandorym (talk | contribs) (Bodrick)
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Male? Flesh Golem

Racial Abilities: Construct (Flesh; +2 to recover from Shaken. Cannot heal damage naturally. Use the Repair skill instead of the Heal skill), Deliberate (cannot improve Agility above a d6), Hulking (+2 to Toughness), Weakness (+4 damage from fire and flame based attacks)

Witchmark Abilities: Drawn to Those in Need, Witchbreed Sense

Bodrick has no memory of who he was before. For that matter, it could be multiple “whose” for his body is a patchwork of various parts made up from at least six different men (as far as he can tell). All he knows for sure is that we was created to be used as nothing more than a weapon. Then one day he gain some self-consciousness and awareness that he did not have to be a weapon. That he could be more. It was this day that he was free of the Crone’s control and struck out on his own. For a time he lived apart from others, wishing only to live alone and in solitude. Harming nor helping anyone. But as he watched the wars and the destruction caused by the Crone and her sisters he came to understand that he was given the gift of freedom but with a condition. That he needed to help those out in the greater world. That he had a propose and a duty to fulfill. That he was would be a champion for those in need.

Experience Points: 10 (Novice)

Wounds: 0/3

Fatigue: 0/2

Bennies: 3/3

Acceptance or Defiance



Charisma: +0

Pace: 6

Parry: 5

Toughness: 12 (3)

Personal Resource Die: d6


Agility d6

Smarts d6

Spirit d6

Strength d8

Vigor d8


Athletics d6

Fighting d8

Intimidate d6

Investigation d4

Knowledge (Enochian) d4

Notice d4

Repair d4

Riding d4

Shooting d4

Streetwise d4

Subterfuge d4







Equipment and Gear

Reinforced Greatcoat

  • Armor +3
  • Covers Arms, Legs, Torso

Long Sword

  • STR+d8


  • STR+d4

Flintlock Pistol

  • 2d6+1
  • Range 5/10/15
  • 2 Actions to Reload)

Ball & Powder

  • 25 rounds

Normal Clothing


Hindrance Use: +1 Agility die type, +1 Edge

5 XP: +1 Smarts die type

10 XP: Fighting d8