This is the page for the White Box Delvers PbP game.
Darcy Wessing (Level 1 Cleric) played by Apostlyte
Eliana Creyr (Level 1 Thief) played by JoanieSappho
Werner, a peasant bowman (Level 1 Fighter) played by acodispo
Spitfyre Ardensmith (Level 1 Spearmage - Fighter/Magic-User) played by jscifert
Glorb a Gray Dwarf (Level 1 Fighter) played by Toimu
Yrral Rekloh, a human magician (Level 1 Magic User) played by ryven
Dungeon Master played by Jay O' Bedlam
Marching Order
- Darcy, Glorb, Spitfyre
- Werner, (Xaisomboun)
- Yrral, Eliana, (Anibal)
- (Isabel), (Diana)
Slain Player Characters
- Barnay Moley a Halfling (Level 1 Thief)
- Darish a fighting man (Level 1 Fighter) played by Caias Ward
Treasure Gained:
- 14 gp from dead goblins
Treasure Inherited:
- 2 gp from Darish