The Lost City Lab Lord
The Party
- Name, Class, Level, AC, HP x/x, main weapon and damage, initiative.
- Gebar the Gouty, Magic-user 2. thirdkingdom
- Mord Ironbreaker, Dwarf 2, AC 3, HP 18/18, Hand axe 1d6+1, Initiative -1. Cacharodon
- Despina the Indomitable, Fighter 2, AC 3, HP 18/18, Sword 1d8+2, Init +1. Lysus,
- Aleanora, Thief 3, AC HP 18/18, Short Sword 1d6, Init. ncc2010
- Gustav Urraum, Cleric 2, AC 4, HP 16/16, Mace 1d6, Init. Bland Joe Dwarf.
- Lab Lord Character Sheet