Dís of Erebor
- Culture: Dwarf of the Lonely Mountain
- Standard of Living: Rich
- Cultural blessing: Redoubtable (subtract Favoured Heart from Encumbrance)
- Calling: Wanderer Shadow weakness: Wandering-madness
- Specialties: Fire-making, Trading, Folk-lore
- Distinctive features: Determined, Honourable
- Body: 5 Heart: 4 Wits: 5
- Body (favoured): 6 Heart (favoured): 7 Wits (favoured): 8
Common Skills
- Personality
- * Awe: 0
- * Inspire: 2
- * Persuade: 3
- Movement •
- * Athletics: 0
- * Travel: 3
- * Stealth: 0
- Perception ••
- * Awareness: 0
- * Insight: 1
- * Search: 3
- Survival
- * Explore: 2
- * Healing: 0
- * Hunting: 0
- Custom
- * Song: 1
- * Courtesy: 2
- * Riddle: 2
- Vocation
- * Craft: 3
- * Battle: 1
- * Lore: 0
Weapon Skills
- (Axes): 2
- Short Sword: 2
- Dagger: 1
- Gifted (Raise one Favoured Attribute — Wits — by one)
- Short Sword damage: 5 edge: 10 injury: 14 enc: 1
- Dagger damage: 3 edge: G injury: 12 enc: 0
Fatigue & Endurance
- Endurance: 27 Starting Endurance: 32 WOUNDED
- Fatigue from Encumbrance: 0 Fatigue from Travel: 0 Total Fatigue: 19
- Default Journey Role: unspecified (Scout?)
Hope & Shadow
- Hope: 10 Starting Hope: 10
- Temporary Shadow: 0 Permanent Shadow: 0 Total Shadow: 0
- Fellowship Focus: unspecified
Protection & Damage
- Armour: 0d Headgear: +-
- Parry: 5
- Damage: 5 (+5) Ranged: 0
Experience & Advancement
- Wisdom: 2 Valour: 1
- Experience: 0 Total Experience: 0
- Fellowship: 0 Advancement: 0 Treasure: 0 Standing: 0
Active on the trade routes between Erebor, Dale and Laketown, selling mostly jewellery, keep-sakes and some small clock work items, Dis has noticed of late that business has been flagging, her wagons are being raided and her profits have dropped markedly....she has done all the usual; sent out messengers, talked with her people in both cities and even amalgamated her business with one of her rivals...which sent a great deal of shock through the more traditional dwarves.
She told her father she was heading out on a fact-finding mission as no one can tell her exactly what is happening.....but there is more to it. Dis tends to take a lot of things personally, if a shipment does not arrive she feels responsible, if people are injured or killed in her employ thats on her......if her family goes to the poorhouse...also on her.
So yes....she is out to find the truth.....but she's not adverse to getting a little revenge into the bargain. But at heart she's still a merchant and a fast-talker, she's not really sure about this whole camping and fighting business.