The Grotesque
Strength 8
Stamina 8
Agility 5
Dexterity 0
Fighting 5
Intellect 0
Awareness 0
Presence 0
Dodge 15
Parry 15
Toughness +11, Impervious
Fortitude +8
Will +5
Athletics +11
Close Combat: Unarmed +8
Intimidation +18
Daze: Intimidation
Fast Grab
Improved Disarm
Improved Hold
Improved Trip
Instant Up
Prone Fighting
Become Lisa Bauer: Morph 1, Metamorph 1, Activation 2 (standard action)
Tentacles: Extra Limbs 6, Innate
Longer than They Appear: Elongation 1, Tentacles only, Innate
Great Leap: Leaping 4, Innate
Slimy Scales: Protection 3, Impervious 11, Innate
Motivation (Protect Lisa): The inner beast that is G wants nothing more than to protect Lisa at all costs. If it perceives her being in a situation that she can't handle, or dealing with those that make Lisa's life hell. Upon joining 4-F, G will do what is needed of it to keep Lisa in the group, hoping to help her gain acceptance by this new group.
Prejudice: While not physically limited by its physical shape, G is a monstrosity, combining aspects that exist deep inside peoples' worst nightmares. G is completely unable to have an semblance of a life in the real world, let alone not get attacked.
Temper: Besides G's complete reliance on Lisa's body and well-being, G cannot handle it when other attack her for the aspects about herself that she cannot control - her mind, her body, her powers. G can, and has, come out to tend to those who hurt Lisa, particularly those who make her cry.
Physical Age: 15
Height: 7' / 2.1 m
Weight: 350 lbs / 158.75 kg
Skin: Prussian Blue Slimy Scales
Eyes: Eggplant Purple
Hair: Seaweed Green, Stringy, Slimey, collar length, drapes all in face
Dress Style: