Terrors of Zostra

A game wiki using Evil Hat's Fate Accelerated system. Set in an original low-fantasy setting, it's a place of vile unseen rulers, cultists, and horrific beings known as the Uninvited. Fear reigns supreme, and the folk of the land have succumbed to the horrifying realities of their meagre existence, serving only as thralls and sacrament to the masters that chant in the darkness.
- brahnamin
- undeadDreamer
- Omar
- roryb, the GM
Zostra (a randomly determined name) is a dark place of horror where rulers that have not been seen in generations hold folk in thralldom for their own pursuits of power. Demonic beings and the dead walk among the fearful men and women that inhabit this place of dread.
Castes of Society
- Craftsmen and laborers are not considered citizens
- Cultists might be bottom rung. Regular humans messing with what they know not
- Possessed cultists might be a step up. Like in Supernatural where things wear people like meatsuits. Humanish but tougher.
- Actual twisted creatures made by the big bads, but poorly so. Leftover experiments, warped animals, etc
- Successful experiments like Golems.
- Same tier as Golems would maybe be Sorcerers. People who have found the/a path similar to the ones the big bads took long ago and are on their way to becoming like them.
- Various levels of actual abominations more warped than sorcerers but not yet god
Great works of magic are powered through rituals in tandem with sacrifice and agreements with the Uninvited and other fell spirits. Magic is at once subtle and powerful, its corrupting effects always changing its practitioners into twisted versions of their former selves. Fear and blood sacrifice power the mightiest sorceries, though lesser cantrips without the formation of pacts are known in hundreds of varieties.
A rare number have developed powerful non-magical mental abilities, including the power to move matter and affect the mind.