Transcend the Flesh:Lakshmi Madeira

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Lakshmi Madeira

Lakshmi Madeira.jpg

As a specialized asset, she is likely treated very well -- with a properly shielded room and belongings so that she can feel like a person and not a weird tech black hole. Sure, they poke and prod her from time-to-time, and there are definitely times when she feels more like a prized dog than a person... but, you know you've got to expect that. It's better than living on the street, not able to hold down a job because you keep frying the time-clock.

Fate Points: 2/3

Refresh: 3


High Concept: Cocksure Corporation-trained Electrokinete

Trouble: Involuntary Neoluddite

Aspect: Better with One Hand than Most Girls with Two

Aspect: EM Containment Suit

Aspect: TBD


Careful +1

Clever +1

Flashy +2

Forceful +3

Quick +2

Sneaky +0


Lightning Strike: Because I can throw massive bolts of lightning, I get +2 when I Forcefully Attack someone using electricity.

Magnetic Personality: Because I can alter the magnetic field in an area I get +2 to Forcefully Create an Advantage by moving metal objects.

Recharging Battery: Because I am a living battery, once per session I can heal all Stress or a Mild Consequence by absorbing electricity from a nearby power source.

Scrambler: Because I can generate electrical interference I get +2 to Forcefully Create an Advantage related to disabling or jamming technology.

Stress and Consequences

1 2 3

Mild Consequence:

Moderate Consequence:

Severe Consequence:

Extreme Consequence: