Halcyon Sheroes:She-Roach

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Hero Name: She-Roach:Princess of Squalor

Real Name: "Sheena"

Look: Woman, Subterranean, Comfortable Clothing, Predecessors Costume, Simple Symbol Insignia

Abilities: Invincibility,Flight,Antennae Beams (Eye Beams)

Moment of Truth

This is the moment when you prove how much the mantle belongs to you. You seize control of all your powers, and you defeat even impossible odds to prove you are worthy of the name you carry. You accomplish feats even your predecessors couldn’t do. Of course, afer you prove something like that, you can expect still more responsibilities to be placed on your shoulders...


Danger -1

Freak +1

Savior +2

Superior 0

Mundane +1


[] Afraid (-2 to Directly Engage a Threat)

[] Angry (-2 to Comfort or Support or Pierce the Mask)

[] Guilty (-2 to Provoke Someone or Assess the Situation)

[] Hopeless (-2 to Unleash Your Powers)

[] Insecure (-2 to Defend Someone or Reject Others' Influence)

Team Moves

When you share a moment of triumph with someone, ask them what gives them hope for a brighter day and give them Influence.

When you share a vulnerability or weakness with someone, ask them what they would do something dark for and gain Influence over them.

Legacy Moves

I know what I am: Once per scene, when you defend a teammate you can shift Savior up and another Label down in addition to any other benefits from the move, even on a miss. If you do, add 1 Team to the pool.

Never give up, Never surrender: When you take a powerful blow from someone with far greater power than you, use this move instead of the basic move. Roll + Savior. On a hit, you stand strong and choose one. On a 7-9, mark a condition. - you get an opportunity or opening against your attacker - you rally from the hit, and it inspires the team; add 1 Team to the pool - you keep your attacker’s attention On a miss, you go down hard but leave your opponent off balance and vulnerable.

The Legacy

is still active and prominent in the city Captain Cockroach: The Sultan of Squalor is retired and quite judgemental Larvae Lass is the next possible member of the legacy The Hive Mind is the greatest opponent your Legacy has ever faced and still at large


When did you officially become part of your Legacy?

  • When Sheena ignored her Grandfather's wishes and donned the incredibly ill fitting costume of She-Roach to help Halcyon City's newest Super Teen Team against the threat. Although

not best pleased by her actions he allowed her to continue feeling that little amount of convincing was likely to stop her.

What's the greatest accomplishment of your Legacy?

  • Initially, the Legacy was treated with a level of xenophobia and suspicion especially in The Golden Age in the early encounters with Captain Cockroach and the people of Roachtropolis.

However, after a few misunderstandings, the heroes of the Golden Age soon saw that Captain Cockroach was a powerful ally and his deeds soon spoke much louder than words. While the general public and the early incarnations of AEGIS were hesitant to trust the Roach Warrior he just kept coming through he became famous for his legendary tenacity. The Silver Age was joined by Captain Cockroach II and She-Roach they had a better understanding of humanity's ways so helped begin a bond between the surface and the subterranean. Captain Cockroach II gave the ultimate sacrifice and this moment had huge emotional weight to the public's perception. Now the symbol worn upon the chest stands for something more than the sum of their parts the symbol stands for hope.

How does the public perceive your Legacy?

  • Initially, the Legacy was treated with a level of xenophobia and suspicion especially in The Golden Age in the early encounters with Captain Cockroach and the people of Roachtropolis.

However, after a few misunderstandings, the heroes of the Golden Age soon saw that Captain Cockroach was a powerful ally and his deeds soon spoke much louder than words. While the general public and the early incarnations of AEGIS were hesitant to trust the Roach Warrior he just kept coming through he became famous for his legendary tenacity. The Silver Age was joined by Captain Cockroach II and She-Roach they had a better understanding of humanity's ways so helped begin a bond between the surface and the subterranean. Captain Cockroach II gave the ultimate sacrifice and this moment had huge emotional weight to the public's perception. Now the symbol worn upon the chest stands for something more than the sum of their parts the symbol stands for hope.

How does your Legacy tie into your reason's for being a hero?

  • Sheena's always been fascinated with the surface world ever since she was told as a little larvae/girl that she shouldn't go up top. Nothing stokes curiosity like something being forbidden.

After the loss of the 2nd Captain Cockroach, the citizens of Roachtropolis and it's royal family took very much a back seat in the affairs of humanity. While trade and communication still continued there was no insectoid champion in the Bronze Age. She felt that it had been too long since someone had stepped up to the surface and do what she felt was right. She felt the surface world and it's people needed protection and for too long had they hidden away in the warrens. So she would utter the immortal words 'By the Power of Squalor. I have the Power!'

Why do you care about the team?

  • They are from the surface....that's cool. They know lots about the surface...that's awesome. They've got amazing abilities just like her....that's amazing. They get incredibly frisky in hot environments....okay that's probably not them. She-Roach is a bit of fan-girl of the other's but keen to prove she's worthy of the deeds of her forbears.

When Our Team First Came Together

All things considered, we did well and impressed an established hero. Who was it?

  • The Sultan of Squalor while not thrilled of his granddaughters involvement in events he was begrudgingly impressed by the actions of her teammates.


You once got caught doing something that shames your Legacy with

You trust and told them a secret about your Legacy


Do you talk openly about your days as a villain? If so, give each team member Influence over you. If not, just give Influence to the one teammate whose example you most closely follow.

  • Influence given to everyone.


Every time you roll a Miss on a move, mark Potential.

[] [] [] [] []


When you fill your potential track, you advance. Choose from the list below.

[] Take another move from your playbook

[] Take another move from your playbook

[] Take a move from another playbook

[] Take a move from another playbook

[] Someone permanently loses Influence over you; add +1 to a Label

[] Rearrange your Labels as you choose, and add +1 to a Label

[] Unlock your Moment of Truth

[] Take drives and mark four (from the Beacon’s playbook)

When you’ve taken five advances from the top list, you can take advances from the list below.

[] Unlock your Moment of Truth after it’s been used once

[] Change playbooks

[] Take an adult move

[] Take an adult move

[] Lock a Label, and add +1 to a Label of your choice

[] Retire from the life or become a paragon of the city