I'm not feeling clever enough to put anything particularly neat here.
My real name is Dana Johnson. I live in Minnesota at the moment, but I've lived in nine states.
I started gaming in 1981 with the original Basic D&D set (blue cover, not the 3-hole punched red one) with my brother and friends.
I have owned an obscene number of gaming systems over the years.
My list of favorites is pretty simple:
- Traveller
- Call of Cthulhu
- Elric!/Stormbringer
- RuneQuest
- Over The Edge
- The Riddle of Steel
- Sorcerer
- The Burning Wheel
- Unknown Armies
- Pendragon
- HeroQuest
I've also played a great deal of AD&D 1st ed., Champions (2nd, 3rd, and 4th ed.), GURPS, V&V, and Gamma World (mostly 2nd ed.).
I have a LiveJournal and a MySpace page.