Halcyon Sheroes:Helldrake

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The original radioactive robot dinosaur! Two stories tall with atomic fire breath and titanic strength, this mecha-beast is known for normally being peaceful ever since reaching an accord with Halcyon City to dwell undisturbed in the large junkyard outside the city limits.

In Issue #1 it went into a rage and began to devastate downtown Halcyon, but the Sheroes managed to stop it through clever tactics and overwhelming force. In doing so, they discovered a strange hive-like device attached to the robo-dino's nuclear core than had apparently been controlling it the entire time.

Once it was stopped and underwent a hard reset, Helldrake returned to its junkyard domain, leaving the city alone once again.

  • Faith: "Killed my costume, and I think I'm still a little radioactive...shit though, who thinks sicking an atomic dinosaur on downtown is a good idea!? Whatever. Easy target, super punchable - 9/10, would punch again."