The Revenant, Priest of Nerull

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The Revenenant, Priest of Nerull

Game Info: ? Favoured Soul 10 (CR12)


The Revenant is an intimidating figure, dressed in deep black robes, his face concealed behind an ivory mask of a grinning skull. He is never seen without the mask on and few have any idea what manner of creature he is but he stands close to seven feet tall and carries himself with military grace. No part of his skin can be seen as, what is not covered by the mask or robe is covered by thick black gloves and boots. He communicates mostly through telepathy, though he is capable of vocalising out loud.


As far as he can be said to possess a personality, the Revenant is a cultured individual who enjoys fine art and reading. His dedication to Nerull is absolute and he seems to take a certain professional pride in his work. Although it is difficult to tell through his telepathy, he rarely seems to get angry or irritable or infact experience many extremes of emotion, operation somewhere between curiosity and satisfaction most of the time. He is, however, an implacable foe and those who attempt to interfere with the temple's business normally meet a sticky end at his or Haverd's hands. The initiates all fear and respect him, knowing that he is the symbol of what they are aiming to achieve through their worship of Nerull.


Take a guess. Nobody knows what kind of creature the Revenant is or where it comes from and it is debatable whether or not that information has any bearing on who he is now anyway. Nerull has gifted him, that is for certain, but many would regard those gifts as a curse.

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