Blue Numidia

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Blue Numidia, the Witch of Shellstone Island

  • Level: 1
  • Goal: To Force The Forge Goddess Ninegana to Kneel Before Her
  • Urge: To Starve Gods of the Sea and Storm of Worship
  • Sub-Type: Defiler
  • Sub-Type Bonus: Command of Magic. Once per scene, they may either dispel a theurgic invocation or low magic spell as an instant action, or use their action to immediately cast a theurgic invocation known to them without the usual cost for quick casting. They can sense magic in an object or area with a round's attention.
  • Patron Yozi: She Who Lives in Her Name
  • Secondary Yozis: Kimbery


  • Origin: Born to Make Weapons
  • Past Career: Witch of Shellstone Island (Curse-Eater Thaumaturgy)
  • Relationship: Filled with a Boundless Rage at the Gods
  • Others:


Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
Score 13 14 10 16 13 8
Modifier +1 +1 0 +2 +1 -1
Check 8 7 11 5 8 13


Total Free
Essence 2
Influence 2 2 Earned per Month
Dominion 0 0 0
Wealth 0

Saving Throws

Base Mod Armor Penalty Final Save
Hardiness 14 14
Evasion 13 13
Spirit 14 14

Hit Points

Current Maximum
8 8


  • AC: 2
  • Type: Gift
  • Shield: -
  • Description: Body of Water
  • Saving Throw Penalty:
    • Hardiness 0
    • Evasion 0
    • Spirit 0


  • Base Attack Bonus: +1
  • Fray Die: 1d8
Description Attribute Attack Bonus Damage
The Claws That Catch Strength +2 1d10+1 (Magic Weapon; Commit Effort for Scene to make all attacks in Scene deadly/incapacitating to lesser foes or do straight damage to mobs of lesser foes)

Words and Divine Gifts


Heroes with the Artifice Word can create any non-magical object a normal man can carry as a round’s action, using whatever materials are to hand. While the ensuing creation may look odd, and any "food-stuffs" are inedible, it functions and lasts as well as a normal object of its type and usual substance. The hero’s crafting efforts for a day count as 100 laborers per character level when an estimate is needed.
Heroes with the Sea Word have an invincible defense against cold, can breathe water, swim at twice their normal movement rate, and see with perfect clarity underwater, regardless of available light. They may grant these benefits to their companions, except for cold immunity.
Godbound affiliated with the Shapeshifting word have an invincible defense against any unwanted effect that would alter their shape, not including simple damage, but including maiming, tattoos, branding, or mutilation. Once per day they can smooth away their own wounds, healing hit points equal to their level as an Instant action.

Divine Gifts

Transmuter (Action) 
Commit Effort for the scene and turn one 10 x 10 x 10 foot cube of material per hero level from one physical substance into another. Items being used or held by a creature cannot be changed. If the effect is used to somehow harm targets, they take a 1d6 damage die for every two character levels of the hero, rounded up. If the substance being created is rare or precious, Effort must be committed for the day. Extremely rare and magical substances cannot be created this way, though mountains of gold can be fabricated. See the Wealth Word for limits on the use of this newfound treasure, as it is all too easy to inflate a region’s mundane economy into chaos.
Body of Water (Constant) 
Your flesh flows around dangers and encapsulates toxins. Your natural armor class is 3 and you are immune to poisons. You can apply a poison by touch if you’ve previously swallowed or been struck by a dose, thus ejecting the toxin. This AC isn't improved by shields or armor.
Tsunami Hand (Smite) Action 
Commit Effort for the scene. You strike a blow which becomes a crashing wave, rushing up to 200 feet in width, 30 feet in height and 100 feet in length before it drains away. Small buildings and fragile structures are destroyed, and creatures take your level in points of damage, tripled for Mobs. The wave can be cast in a smaller area if desired, does not harm targets you wish preserved, and vanishes after it breaks so as not to leave the area inundated.
Ten Thousand Skins (Action) 
You may transform into any creature no smaller than a mouse nor larger than a moose. You retain your own attributes, hit points, and combat bonuses in this form, but may use whatever movement types are natural to your new shape. You may communicate with beasts of your assumed kind when wearing their shape. If you Commit Effort for the scene, you can use this gift as an On Turn action.
The Claws That Catch (On Turn) 
You may manifest claws or other body weaponry in whatever form you take, including human guises. These inflict 1d10 damage and count as magical weapons. You may also Commit Effort for the scene to produce a venom that will kill or incapacitate a lesser foe who fails a Hardiness save, with the venom applied to every physical attack you make that scene. Against Mobs of lesser foes, this venom makes your attack do maximum damage in place of that effect.

XP and Dominion Log