Cathy Sheehan
![Cathy Sheehan](/images/e/e1/Cathy_Sheehan.jpg)
Name: Cathy Sheehan
Major: Military Science
Extracurricular Activity: ROTC (Army)
- Agility d8
- Smarts d4
- Spirit d6
- Strength d6
- Vigor d6
- Climbing d4
- Driving d4
- Fighting d6
- Intimidation d4
- Investigation d4
- Knowledge (Military Science) d6
- Notice d4
- Persuasion d4
- Shooting d6
- Survival d4
- Swimming d4
- Academics: 0
- Charisma: 2
- Pace: 6"
- Parry: 5
- Toughness: 5
- Overconfident
- Trouble Magnet (Minor)
- Attractive (+2 Charisma)
- Connections (with fellow cadets) (from ROTC Extracurricular Activity)
- First aid kit x2
- Night vision binoculars
- Small knife (switchblade) (Str+d4)
- Professional compass
- Pepper spray (1/2/-, target must make Vigor-2 roll to avoid being Shaken for 1d4 rounds and gaining a level of Fatigue)
- Ruger .22 pistol (10/20/40, 2d6-1)
- Used Dodge Ram (Gas Guzzler - 1d6x$10 in extra fuel each advance)
Cathy is the daughter of a pair of former Army members. She comes from a dying coal town in rural Pennsyvlvania and couldn't have been happier to see it disappear in her rear-view mirror. She's looking forward to completing her studies at ETU and joining the Army as an officer.