All My Best Friends Are Superheroes:Howler Monkey

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Howler Monkey

Hero Name: Howler Monkey

Real Name: Ansel Abernathy

Abilities: strength, agility, toughness, supernatural senses, impossible mobility

Moment of Truth

The mask is a lie, and some piece of you has always known that. Doesn’t matter if others can see it. You’re the one that can do the impossible. Mask off. Costume on. And you’re going to save the damn day. Of course, you better hope nobody nasty is watching…

Labels Rating
Danger 1
Freak -1
Saviour 0
Superior 0
Mundane 3


[ ] Afraid (-2 to Directly Engage a Threat)

[ ] Angry (-2 to Comfort or Support or Pierce the Mask)

[ ] Guilty (-2 to Provoke Someone or Assess the Situation)

[ ] Hopeless (-2 to Unleash Your Powers)

[ ] Insecure (-2 to Defend Someone or Reject Others' Influence)

Team Moves

When you share a triumphant celebration with someone, ask them if they see you as the person wearing the mask or the person underneath. If the former, mark potential and clear a condition. If the latter, take Influence over them if you reveal yourself.

When you share a vulnerability or weakness with someone, tell them a secret about who you really are. Give them Influence, and shift your Mundane up and your mask’s Label down.


The Mask: You wear a mask and hide your real identity. Choose what Label you try to embody while wearing your mask: SAVIOUR

Once per session, you can affirm either your heroic or secret identity to switch your Mundane with your mask’s Label.

When you reveal your secret identity to someone who didn’t know it already, mark potential.

Mild-mannered: When you try to use your civilian identity to deceive, trick, or slip past someone, roll + Mundane. On a hit they buy your facade.

On a 7-9, choose one:

  • you’re still under observation
  • you leave something incriminating behind
  • you’re forced to make a fool of yourself to sell it

On a miss, one of your civilian obligations rears its ugly head.

I’ll save you!: You’re willing to pay high costs to keep your loved ones safe. Reveal your secret identity to someone watching or mark a condition to defend a loved one as if you rolled a 12+.

No powers and not nearly enough training: You’re always picking up new gear to keep yourself in the game. Whenever you pick up a new piece of gear, you can write it in as a new ability if this line is empty.


The first time you use each piece of gear to directly engage a threat, unleash your powers, or defend someone, you can roll + Mundane instead of the normal Label.

Secret Identity

Obligations: tech support, schoolwork, dad

When time passes, roll + your Mundane to see how you’re managing your obligations. On a hit, things are going pretty well—you have an opportunity or advantage thanks to one of your obligations. On a 7-9, you’ve lapsed on one obligation, your choice. On a miss, you haven’t given your normal life anywhere near the attention it deserves; the GM chooses two obligations that are going to bite you in the butt.


When did you first put on the mask? Why? I had finally convinced Marius/Omen to show me his Sanctuary. After we came in, though, some things followed us through. Marius used his powers to fight them off, but one of... whatever they were... chased me deep into the Sanctuary, where the ancient relics are kept. Trying to hide, I touched a glass case and the artifact inside -- a monkey charm necklace -- broke out of the glass box on its own and wrapped around me neck. Next thing you know, I'm a superhero too!

Why do you keep a secret identity? I mean... because? I can't be super all of the time, I need to try to be normal, you know? And that's not going to happen if everyone knows that Ansel Abernathy is the Howler Monkey, right?

Besides, my dad wouldn't really approve. He's a cop and he takes a dim view of superheroes.

Who, outside of the team, knows about your dual identity? My sister Abigail found out (Yes, I know, the "A"s. I know). She, well... she saw my tail. She's at College in Boston, now. I miss having her around, it was good to have someone to cover with dad. And someone to talk to when things got heavy, you know?

Who thinks the worst of your masked identity? Dad doesn't like Howler Monkey, no, but mostly just as another one of the "arrogant metas" who "make things harder for regular folks".

The person who REALLY doesn't like me is the Mayor. Mostly because I caught her son joy-riding drunk two months ago and strung him up where the news cameras could get to him before the more discrete police.


Why do you care about the team? Because they're awesome! I mean... a real super team! This the coolest thing I've ever done!

When Our Team First Came Together


Omen knew you from your civilian life first.

You refused to tell Reverie your secret identity when they asked.


You look up to your teammates; they seem to have this superhero thing figured out. Give two of them Influence over you.

Who has Influence over me... Omen


Every time you roll a Miss on a move, mark Potential.

[] [] [] [] []


When you fill your potential track, you advance. Choose from the list below.

  • [] Take another move from your playbook.
  • [] Take another move from your playbook.
  • [x] Take a move from another playbook.
  • [] Take a move from another playbook.
  • [] Someone permanently loses Influence over you; add +1 to a Label.
  • [] Change your mask’s Label; add +1 to your mask’s new Label
  • [] Unlock your Moment of Truth.
  • [] Take drives from the Beacon's playbook

When you’ve taken five advances from the top list, you can take advances from the list below.

  • [] Unlock your Moment of Truth after it’s been used once.
  • [] Change playbooks.
  • [] Take an adult move.
  • [] Take an adult move.
  • [] Lock a Label, and add +1 to a Label of your choice.
  • [] Retire from the life or become a paragon of the city.