The Warriors

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Leader NAME: Bam

Heavy NAME: St. Jimmy

Ganger NAME: Jon Boy

Ganger NAME: Boris

Ganger NAME: Scarface

Ganger NAME: Marte

Ganger NAME: Lenny

Ganger NAME: Red

Ganger NAME: Ferix

Ganger NAME: Carl

Juve NAME: Zippy

Juve NAME: Kaurl


Tunnels, Aerotech, Holestead, Settlement, Guilder Contact, Slag pits


The Warriors House/Gang Type: ORLOCK

Gang Rating:

Wins to Losses Ratio 2-0

GANG HISTORY Bam came to the underhive looking for power. Some say hes already achived it wit the gang hes got, but Bam wants more. Bam's an ambitius man at heart but has the cold hearted ability to get it done. With the gang he has bam wants to take over the underhive and unite it under the Orlock banner, but as the saying goes 'easier said than done'. Also hes notched himself up quite an acheviment, he beat the Goliath Gang, The Bottle Heads twice in a row and so there is an uncontrolable rivalry between those two gangs sriking whenever and howere they can at each other.

The first person bam meet down in the underhive was Lenny, his trusted second in command, Lenny understood Bam's Idea for underhive domination and wanted in, since then the two have gatherd up the gang know as The Warriors.

To join the warriors you have to be honorable, brave and have a cold heart at times because the hive is never nice to anyone. First you must prove yourself by showing how ruthless you are as a juve and being(Somein the Glory Hole think bams stupid to do this but none have the guts to say so)equiped with the nosiey Chainsword. By fighting face to face with your enemy and watch him go down in front of you and gain the ability to progress further in a gang and gain the sponser of a fully fledged ganger with means that the juve is trained by the ganger.

Now Bam sits at the gang hang out doing all kinds of Vices with The Warriors at his side and hopeing more and more hopefules will flock to his cause and also hopes that his name goes down in history for uniting the Underhive under his Orlock banner.

The Roster NAME: Bam

Type: Leader

M4 WS4 BS4 S3 T3 W2 I4 A1 Ld8 --- TOTAL COST: EXPERIANCE: 121

Skills:Hipshooter, Cracks shot Injuries:Horrible Scars Equipment:One in Million Boltgun with a Telescopic sight, Laspistol, Powerfist, Frag grenades, Sword, Knife

Notable History: Ruling his territories with and iron fist but also gaing the trust of outside settlements which are migrating every other month. Amazing shot with his trusty Boltgun, able to move and down a man at 80 paces.

NAME: St. Jimmy

Type: Heavy


Skills: (None) Injuries: (None) Kills:2 Equipment: Heavy Stubber, Laspistol, Sword, Knife

Notable History: Almost fanatical devotion to the Emperor and pays tribute before he leaves his hole.

NAME: Jon Boy

Type: Ganger

M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld8 --- TOTAL COST: EXPERIENCE: 44

Skills: Medic Injuries: (None) Equipment: Lasgun, Laspistol, Frag Grenades, Sword, Knife

Notable History: The carebear of the gang, Jon Boy makes sure everyones in high spirits before they go out to fight.

NAME: Carl

Type: Ganger

M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7 --- TOTAL COST: EXPERIENCE: 36

Skills: (None) Injuries: (None) Kills:1 Equipment: Lasgun, Stubgun with dum-dum bullets, Knife

Notable History: Loves his Stubgun and has shut up many a wisecracker with its bullets. Brother of Lenny

NAME: Marte

Type: Ganger

M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7 --- TOTAL COST: EXPERIENCE: 37

Skills: (None) Injuries: (None) Kills:0 Equipment: Lasgun, Knife

Notable History: One of the first to join The Warriors and has become one of the few voices in deciding whats what.

NAME: Boris: A.K.A The Russian

Type: Ganger

M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7 --- TOTAL COST: EXPERIENCE: 21

Skills: (None) Injuries: (None) Kills:0 Equipment: Shotgun with manstopper shells, Sword, Knife

Notable History: New to the gang but is making a name for himself, by running foward with the juves and putting his shotgun to good use.

NAME: Lenny

Type: Ganger

M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7 --- TOTAL COST: EXPERIENCE: 42

Skills: Hipshooter Injuries: (None) Kills:0 Equipment: Lasgun, Frag Grenades, Knife

Notable History: Praticly a brother to Bam since that they've known each other from the very beginning. Brother of Carl

NAME: Ferix

Type: Ganger

M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7 --- TOTAL COST: EXPERIENCE: 44

Skills: Rapid Fire Injuries: (None) Kills:0 Equipment: Boltpistol, Lasgun, Knife

Notable History: Cold hearted killer with his boltpistol and can prove it. downed many men whos got in his way.

NAME: Tommy 'Scarface'

Type: Ganger

M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7 --- TOTAL COST: EXPERIENCE: 36

Skills: (None) Injuries: Horrible Scars, Old battle wound Kills:0 Equipment: Boltgun, Massive Axe, Frag Grenades, Knife

Notable History: After being broken by the Bottle Heads he crawled back to the gang hang out and healed fast and it was only a matter of time till he will be out for Goliath blood.


TYPR: Ganger

M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7 --- TOTAL COST: EXPERIENCE: 33

Skills: (None) Injuries: Old battle Wound Kills:1 Equipment: Auto Pistol, Chainsword, Knife

Notable History: Chosing not to buy a lasgun and stick with his autopistol and beloved Chainsword, he also runs with the juves and along with Boris makes sure none of them die.

NAME: Zippy

TYPE: Juve

M4 WS2 BS2 S3 T4 W1 I3 A1 Ld6 --- TOTAL COST: EXPERIENCE: 18

Skills: Impetuous Injuries: (None) Kills:0 Equipment: Auto Pistol, Chainsword, Knife

Notable History: Hyperactive nutcase, which no ganger wants to train, but because of this Zippy trains himself and has done rather well so far and is now a very tough person. It is because of this Bam has keeped Zippy.

NAME: Kaurl

TYPE: Juve

M4 WS2 BS2 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld6 --- TOTAL COST: EXPERIENCE: 20

Skills: Beserker, Impetus Injuries (None) Kills: 3 Equipment: Auto Pistol, Chainsword, Knife