Firefly PotR:Righteous

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Zhèngyí Zh Nù (Righteous Wrath)

Class: Dragonfly


Engines d10
Hull d8
Systems d6


Dragonfly Class Transport d8

Run Silent: Step back Engines to step up Systems when trying to remain undetected.
Turbo: Spend a Plot Point to create an Afterburners d10 Asset. Each time you include Afterburners in a dice pool, step it back after you roll.

Defanged Tiger d8

Mean, Lean, Computing Machine: spend a Plot Point at the beginning of a Timed Action involving your computer system. For each of your rolls during the Timed Action, you may reroll any die that comes up 1 rather than accept a Plot Point for the die. If it comes up one a second time, it may not be rerolled.
Hear Me Roar: Spend a Plot Point to create an I'm a Mean Ship, Rawr! d8 Asset when trying to bluff your way out of a situation.

Rotating Identification d8

Papers, Please: When challenged by an Alliance ship, the ship's pilot may spend 1 PP to step up or double Trick for one Action. If the pilot fails to raise the stakes, step up any Complication that results.
We're Humped!: When the captain chooses to have the ship's identification spoofing be discovered, the pilot may step up one Big Damn Hero Die.

Signature Assets:

Med Suite d8
Maneuvering Thrusters d8
State of the Art Vacsuits d6
Shuttles d8
EMP Cannons d8