Colder than Death:Owain the Wise

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Owain the Wise

Owain the Wise.png

Faction: Power

Archetype: Wizard

Age: 1576

A Wizard who appears young but is actually extremely old thanks to obtaining immortality early on in a method he refuses to discuss. An expert at the magics of time with a minor specialty in plants. Fond of smoking a pipe full of pleasantly scented mystical tobacco and entertaining guests with stories at the hotel he owns, the Laurier. Quite cordial, he has never been seen angry, not once, and prefers fine food, a good smoke and a glass of strong wine to violence or political nonsense. Those who approach him even with bad intentions tend to find themselves willing to sit, lend a ear to a good story, and partake in small luxuries.

Eleanor's Notes - Another one of those who are a lot older than they look, his appearance suggests he's no older than 17! He's quite the nice man, even invited me to the Wizard's Ball one year and made me feel welcome, but I can't help but feel that he's hiding something dark... especially since he won't tell anyone how he managed to become immortal so young. I believe his extreme charm must be due to magic as well - I've seen assassins suddenly change their mind about killing him after a few minutes of interaction and sit down for wine and a few ribald tales. I don't know how he does it.