The Tantumirean Heresy:Sinner's Sorrow

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Sinner's Sorrow.jpg

The Sinner's Sorrow is a Universe-Class Mass Conveyor, the largest transport vessel in the Imperium of Man. The ship has been packed with guardsmen, equipment, weaponry, and supplies intended for reinforcing the Tantumire Sector and much of the Eastern Fringe to prepare for invasion by the Tau Empire and Tyranid Hive Fleets, as well as the many other horrors that threaten to overwhelm the vast, sparsely-defended Eastern flank of the Imperium of Man.


  • Praetor Benedictus - Head of the Sinner's Sorrow's specialised defence troopers, trained to defend against the horrors of the warp in the event of a Gellar Field Failure. Found at Maintenance Deck V.
  • Magos Yaffel - A high-ranking member of the Cult Mechanicus, who oversees the vessel's many Maintenance Decks. Found in the Upper Maintenance Decks.
  • Chirurgeon - One of the ship's medical officers, who has been forcibly conscripted by Solarian. Found at Abandoned Medicae Wing.
  • Enginseer - An Enginseer from the Imperial guard who was injured by a Nurgling on Maintenance Deck IX. Deceased.

Location Maps

Abandoned Medicae Wing

Abandoned Medicae Wing1.png

One of the many sections of the Sinner's Sorrow that fell into disrepair and was promptly forgotten about, Interrogator Solarian has converted this sealed-off section of the Medicae Deck for studying the Nurgling found aboard, and to serve as quarters.

  • 1 - Elevator
  • 2 - Observation Area #1 (Adrianna Mafalda)
  • 3 - Isolation Chamber #1
  • 4 - Observation Area #2 (Chirurgeon)
  • 5 - Isolation Chamber #2
  • 6 - Solarian's Chambers (Nathaniel Solarian)
  • 7 - Mafalda's Chambers