Need not eat, sleep, drink, or breathe, and Con 16 (or 18 if already 16+).
Body of Iron Will (lesser) – Constant
Str 19 (+4). Lift or break anything that is humanly possible to so handle, though truly supernatural feats of strength require the use of a gift or miracle.
Fists of Black Iron (lesser) – Constant
Shoulders Wide as the World (lesser) – On Turn
Lesser Strife of the Torment Defied
Initiate: ignore any mundane source of pain. Immune to infection, and wounds never worsen with neglect. Unarmed attacks deal 1d8 damage.
Disciple: can continue fighting for one round after being reduced to 0 HP; even afterwards, can still speak or can crawl at half usual movement rate unless a coup de grace is administrated (though they cannot commit effort or perform other actions in this state).
Master: first physical injury in a scene that would kill the master leaves them, instead, with 1 HP.
Theogenetic Alterations
Integration points: 4 (Effort sacrificed: 1)
Humming Bird Heels (1): fly briefly at a cost, or hover unmoving and ignore falling damage.
Redundant Organ Implants (2): gain two additional HP per level.