DDD Malgrim
Malgrim, Full PC
- Human Cleric 1
- XP: 0/1,500
- Neutral
- STR 10
- INT 9
- WIS 13 +1
- DEX 11
- CON 8 -1
- CHA 12
Linguist. The character begins play knowing either two additional common languages or one rare language.
- Common
- Undertongue
- Faery
- Turn Undead
- Lay on Hands. The character can magically heal a number of hit points per day equal to two times her HD. The character must touch the target to be healed. Not all of the hit points need to be expended on a single target.
- AC 14
- HP 5/5
- Movement Rate 90
- Initiative Modifier +0
- Attacks
- Primary Melee Attack: Longsword +1
- Secondary Melee Attack:
- Primary Ranged Attack: Light Crossbow +!
- Saves:
- Petrification & Paralysis: 14
- Poison & Death: 11
- Breath: 16
- Staves & Wands: 12
- Spells: 15
- Money: 19gp 5sp
- Ready
- Chain
- Longsword
- Backpack
- Silver holy symbol
- Packed
- Light crossbow
- 10 light quarrels
- Flint & steel
- Waterskin
- 4 days trail rations
- Wolvesbane