Firefly PotR:Dr Coppelia
Physical d8 Mental d8 Social d8
Mysterious Past 8
You weren’t born to the life you’re livin’ now.
- X Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8.
- O Cortex Specter: Whenever anyone uses an information-based Asset against you, spend 1 PP to turn it into a No Data Found Complication of the same die rating.
- X Ghosts of Yesterday: Create a d8 Complication relating to your history to step up your Fight, Know, or Sneak for a scene. This Complication cannot be stepped back by spending PPs to activate Opportunities.
Highlighted Skills: Fight, Know, Sneak
Ship’s Doctor d8
Sometimes it seems whoever came up with “First, do no harm” never had to deal with the people you have to deal with.
- X Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8.
- O Experimental Procedure: If you replace your Operate or Treat Skill with a d4 for your next roll, gain a Big Damn Hero Die equal to that Skill’s normal die rating if your roll is successful.
- X Natural Healer: Spend 1 PP to step back another character’s medical or injury-based Complication.
Highlighted Skills: Know, Operate, Treat
Personality Ghosts 8
Sometimes when things get a might stressful, one of your past selves lends a helpin' hand.
- X Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8.
- X Jack of All Trades: Take or step up a Personality Conflict Complication to step up Shoot or Trick for the rest of the scene.
- O Trick of the Trade: Spend 1 PP to create an Operate or Sneak specialty for the rest of the session.
Highlighted Skills: Drive, Operate, Sneak
- Craft d4
- Drive d6
- Fight (Silent Kill) d10 +2
- Fix d4
- Fly d4
- Focus d4
- Influence d4
- Know (Poisons) d8
- Labor d4
- Move (Evade Pursuit) d8 +1
- Notice d4
- Operate d8
- Perform d4
- Shoot d6 +2
- Sneak (Blend With Crowds) d8
- Survive d4
- Throw d4
- Treat (Induce Complications) d10 +2
- Trick d6 (Feign Innocence) +2