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Part of Welcome to Holy Question Mark, a campaign set in the Amberverse, using modified Lords of Gossamer and Shadow rules.

Belief in Magic

Just as in the real world, a lot of people have always believed in various forms of magic (especially if you count the power of prayer under that heading). There is some evidence that it has always worked, for some people, under some circumstances. In early 2004, around the same time that the monsters appeared, it suddenly became more powerful—for some people, under some circumstances. It's reliable enough that the Department of Homeland Security and other government agencies around the world no doubt have black-budget projects trying to weaponize it. However, it's still not universally believed to exist, and of those who do believe in it, many fear it. (It's unfamiliar, unpredictable, and appeared at the same time as the monsters; what's not to fear?)

Who Does It

The majority of magical practitioners in the US come from some sort of religious background, followed closely by people following local or cultural traditions (some of which, such as vodoun, are religious as well). In some cases, magical ability seems to run in families; in others, it appears without known antecedent.

What It Can Do

Very few magical practitioners could be considered from a rules standpoint to have full command of Sorcery or Enchantment. Most have some degree of Empathy, Scrying and/or Sorcery, perhaps accompanied by Cantrips. Spell-rack artifacts are very rare, and most Sorcery practitioners' understanding of lynchpins is rudimentary, making lightning bolts and other showy instant magic essentially unknown.

Icon Wrighting is not known to exist on Earth. If any NPC Wrights exist, they are practicing in secret.

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