Menwi of the Dead Fire

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Time, sun, sorcery.

Gifts. Effort (time) Purity of brilliant law, adept of the gate, perfection of understanding, excellent pause, adept of the way. The storm breaks. Immediate foresight. Creations first light.

Spells. seal of regnal dominion, open the night road, the tireless iron cavalacdae, ranks of pale bone

Delaying the coming of dawn, path to the bright sanctum, curse of the blighted strand.

Facts. Archmage of Cinnabar, adventurer and corpse thief, gatekeeper and diplomat of the dead. Master of lore and forbidden knowledge. Hunter and seeker supreme.

Biography. An oasis woman who officially was the guardian of a number of key tombs that held honored dead, and unofficially a graverobber and diplomat between the living dead and the living. She came seeking greater adventurers after gaining her new powers.

Appearance. Short woman with dark hair, asian looks, a lot of scars.

16 dex (+2), 16 con (+2), 14 charisma (+1), 13 wisdom (+1), 11 int (+0), 9 strength (0).

AC 1

5 Dex, 5 Con, 7 Charisma, 8 Wisdom, 10 Int, 12 strength for checks.

Hardiness 16 Reflex 16 Spirit 13

Attack bonus 3

Influence 5

Effort 5, two used, to store a fireball and an cinnabar summon.