- Main Page; The Prax Adventure
A Character Sheet
Background and Story
Merynn Foster
Merynn was born to dirt-poor Ernaldan peasants, part of Generts old folk, now scattered across the land. They came with built in fertility runes. The second of twelve children, Merynn grew up supplementing the (extremely large) family food needs by hunting and scavenging on the fringes of clan grounds, with a little poaching in-between jobs for the militia or rich Orlanth types. He joined the Hunter cult on his 13th birthday and took over his fathers Fyrd obligations two years later. Things were finally looking up for his family when he listened to that damned Starbrow. Like a fool, he followed his friends and other clan hotheads off into rebellion. During the uprising, he learned to use his skills on men. Now, he's learning how to run.
Merynn is a guerilla fighter and bushwhacker. He is merciless in combat with sentient beings. He does not, however, ever hunt sentients, unless they are of chaos. He's used to being a follower more than a leader, so will be taking his lead from Ringeye predominantly. He's also quick happy to let the young fellers handle negotiations with employers. Merynn is quite protective of the lads, as he thinks of them - he will alwys keep a weather eye out for their welfare.
Merynns people grow up very close to the old gods - Horned man, first mortal, grandmother earth, the earth witch, trickster and hunter are the most common. They are very tied to the land spirits and tend to avoid worship of the Young Gods.
Character Details
- Name: Merynn
- Race: Human Sartarite of the Colymar Clan. One of the Old Folk, remnants of Genert's people (similar to Oasis folk from Prax).
- Cults: First Hunter Initiate/spirit cult. Zola Fel Initiate/spirit cult. Green Man spirit cult Sun Dragon Spirit cult.
- Gender: Male
- Rune Associations: Harmony, Death, Spirit, (Green)Earth.
Str: 15, Con: 12, Siz: 10, Int: 15, Pow: 14, Dex: 16:, Cha: 17.
- Hit Points: 11
- Total Fatigue Points: 27
- Total Magic Points: 15
- Damage Bonus: +1d4
- Ability: Hold breath 3 times normal under water. Mechanically this means check every 3 rounds for drowning, unlike normal people.
- Spirit Bargain: Call Kinope anywhere along the Zola Fel and its tributaries.
- Hidden Greens Ritual Can create a way to new hidden greens.
Skill Groups
- Communication: +12%
- Bargain (5%):
- Fast Talk (5%):
- Orate (5%): 66%
- Sing (15%):
- Language [Sartarite] (INTx5%): 75%
- Language [Trade] (INTx3%): 45%
- Language [Beastspeech]: 14%
- Language [Praxian]: 33%
- Language [Boatspeech]: 48%
- Language [Firespeech]: 7%
- Language [Darktongue]: 25%
- Language [Spiritspeech]: 57%
- Language [Pavic]: 25%
- Manipulation:+12%
- Conceal (5%): 39%
- Device (5%): 50%
- Sleight of Hand (5%):
- Instrument [Aerophone]: 44%
- Knowledge: +10%
- Evaluate (5%):
- First Aid (10%): 61%
- Shiphandling (0%): 25%
- Craft [Butchering](10%): 50%
- Craft [Fetish]: (10%):33%
- Lore [Animal] (5%): 40%
- Lore [Plant] (5%): 55%
- Read/Write [Trade](0%): 13%
- Read/Write [Sartarite](0%): 9%
- Read/Write [Praxian] (0%): 15%
- Read/Write [Mani Script] (0%): 16%
- Read/Write [Pavic] (0%): 5%
- Perception: +8%
- Listen (25%): 54%
- Scan (25%): 101%
- Search (25%): 64%
- Track (10%): 76%
- Agility: +10%
- Boat (5%): 59%
- Climb (40%): 75%
- Dodge (5%): 55%
- Jump (25%): 45%
- Ride (5%):
- Swim (15%): 60%
- Throw (25%):
- Hide (10%): 66%
- Sneak (10%): 68%
- Magic: +10%
Ceremony (5%): 93%
Shamanic Abilities and Spells
- Merryn: Int 15 Pow 15
- Fetch: Little Brother (Merynn) Int 14 Pow 16
- Short sword (power spirit binding matrix), 15 POW power spirit bound.
- Copper Arrowhead (Magic spirit binding matrix). Fox Int 12 pow 15 Magic spirit
- Copper Ring(Magic spirit binding matrix).Mist INT 11 POW 16 Spirit Screen 11 Magic spirit
- Leather Bracers(Intellect and 2 Power Spirit Bindings) Int 6, Pow 15 and Pow 9.
- Taker Composite bow. Full Str mod, Repair 2 and Speedart matrix, 5mp dedicated storage.
- Green Copper Cube(Elemental binding matrix). Gnome. STR 59, SIZ 6 cubic meters, POW 21, HP 78, Move 1, Damage Bonus 9d6.
- Can attack 60 SIZ at a time, if adjacent. Damage is 9d6 per round to each hit location.
- Red Chert Arrowhead (Elemental binding) Salamander.
- Plain Bronze Ring
- Shade: STR 21 SIZ 5 m^3 POW 18 HP 17 Move 6
- Undine: STR 44 SIZ 5 m^3 POW 18 HP 46 Move 6/2
- Sylph: STR 35 SIZ 5 m^3 POW 15 HP 17 Move 10
Spirit Magic
- Binding enchantment 3
- Summon Spell spirit 1
- Control Power Spirit 1
- Control Magic Spirit 1
- Control Earth Elemental 1
- Control Fire elemental 1
- River Eyes (2)
- Multimissile 4
- Light (1)
Merynn (Fetch)
- Countermagic 6
- Protection 6
- Disruption (1)
- Ignite (1)
Magic Spirit (Desert Fox Spirit)
- Detect Life (1)
- Detect Traps (1)
- Dispel magic 6
- Befuddle (2)
- Farsee 2
Magic Spirit (Mist spirit)
- Spirit Screen 11(!)
Intellect Spirit
- Fireblade (4)
- Firearrow (2)
Divine Spells
- From Great Hunter
- Sureshot (used)
- Shield 1
- Sanctify(Hunter)
- From Green Man
- Earthpower 0
Fetch Abilities
- You and fetch can cast each other's spells, so long as you're in contact. That will only fail if one of the two of you is unconscious.
- Fetches MP are added to yours for defending against incoming magic.
- Outgoing magic from either of you is powered strictly by your own on MP.
- Fetch's MP are added to your for defense in spirit combat, though not for offense.
- Fetch can initiate spirit combat against spirits.
- Fetch can hold a spirit for use. It loses control if the fetch's MP ever go below the spirits.
- Fetch has a constant 5% chance of a Pow gain roll.
- Your fetch can acquire some divine magic too, though this depends.
Shamanic Abilities
- Spirit Sight: A shaman sees the auras of those around them constantly.
- Fetishes: You can build them and load them with spirits for others to use. It costs 1 point of POW to build the binding.
- Discorporation: you can do this and wander around the spirit plane. Your fetch stays behind to watch over and protect your body.
- POW increases: Your max power is 25 now, and you chance of increase is determined appropriately.
- Divine magic: you can sacrifice for this from any friendly/neutral spirits. (Generally, you can't work this with a couple of mutually hostile spirits.)
Spirit binding
- You create an item: enchant item spell = fetish. It cost a point of POW. That creates the binding enchantment. Then you go find a spirit and stuff it into the fetish.
- Those held by the fetch aren't bound. They cost you nothing other than temporarily not having the MP available. This is generally a short-term solution for a 1-off deal. Otherwise, bind them.
The Mask of Avena
Avena - Limoniad (meadow nymph):
INT 16 POW 36 DEX 18
Spirit Spells: Befuddle (2), Heal 6, Mobility 4, Repair 3, Second Sight(1).
Divine Spells: City Harmony, Dismiss Magic II, Extension II, Heal Wound, Mindlink, Sanctify, Soul Sight, Spirit Block II.
She is an acolyte of Pavis.
A 10 cubic meter gnome is bound into the mask:
STR 100 POW 35 HP 130 MOV 2
Only the limoniad can summon and control the gnome. The Mask must make direct contact with the earth in which the gnome is summoned. The gnome can only be summoned inside the city of Pavis. (You'll have to work here to get it in the vicinity - don't assume it can't be done, but don't assume it will work either.)
Hit Points and Armour
Location Name | Armour types | A.P. | H.P. | Enc. | Melee | Missile |
Head | Chitin/Leather + Cap | 6 | 4 | xx | 19-20 | 20 |
Left Arm | Chitin/Bracers + padding | 5 | 3 | xx | 16-18 | 18-19 |
Right Arm | Chitin/Bracers + padding | 5 | 3 | xx | 13-15 | 16-17 |
Chest | Chitin/Leather + padding | 6 | 5 | xx | 12 | 11-15 |
Abdomen | Chitin/Leather + padding | 6 | 4 | xx | 09-11 | 07-10 |
Left Leg | Chitin/Leather + padding | 6 | 4 | xx | 05-08 | 04-06 |
Right Leg | Chitin/Leather + padding | 6 | 4 | xx | 01-04 | 01-03 |
- Total Hit Points: 11 HP
- Total Armor ENC: 12.0
Weapons and Shields
- Attack Bonus: +12%
- Parry Bonus: +10%
- Dex 2
- Siz 2
Weapon/Shield Name | Damage | S.R. | A.P. | Attack % | Parry % | Range | Enc. |
Bow (Composite)! | 1d8+1+1d4 | 2/7 | 7 | 79% | 5% | 120 | 0.5 |
1H Spear | 1d8+1+1d4 | 6 | 10 | 47% | 30% | 0 | 2.0 |
Shortsword | 1d6+1+1d4 | 6 | 10 | 50% | 50% | 0 | 1.0 |
Dagger(War) | 1d4+1+1d4 | 7 | 15 | 50% | 40% | 0 | 0.5 |
Javelin | 1d10+1d2 | 2/7 | 8 | 45% | 25% | 20 | -- |
Atl-Atl^ | +1d6 | 1/MR | 6 | 40% | 5% | 30 | -- |
Med Shield | 1d6 | 7 | 12 | 15% | 40% | 0 | 3.0 |
- !Designed for full str use. Magical.(MP 5 storage, Speedart, Repair 2 matrix).
- Shortspear (2.0)
- Pelta (Med shield)(3.0)
- Shortsword(1.0)
- 1 Fighting dagger (0.5)
- Comp bow (0.5) & Quiver w/20 arrows(1.0 enc)
- Total Weapon ENC: (8.0)
- Weapons:
- Shown above 3.0 ENC scouting, 8.0 campaigning.
- Armour:
- Shown above 12.0 ENC.
- Leather Bracers (AP3): Three spirit bindings
- Right: INT spirit binding with INT 6 POW 12 spirit.
- Left: Two POW spirits with POW 9 and POW 15.
- Other: Total 12.5 enc
- Backpack, 20 Enc 15L 2.5
- Waterskin, 4.0l (filled)6L 4.5
- Bowcase w strings and oils.
- Firestarter (Wrapped in oiled skin)
- Small broze flasks, Oil x2 1l 2.0
- Rope 15m 3L 1.5
- 4 torches 1L 2.0
- Stored
- Sleeping Furs 65L 4.5
- Canteen, 1.0l (alcohol)4L 1.0
- Dried trail rations
- Dried beans (1kilo)
- Snares
- 2 decent sets of clothes
- A reed/bamboo bow 10L 0.5 ENC
- Oilskin cloak w hood (superior) 40l
- Coin - 19wh
- Didge (music stick)
- Taker Composite bow. Full Str mod, Repair 2 and Speedart matrix, 5mp dedicated storage.
- Short sword, 15 POW power spirit bound.
- 2 wheels
- Main Page; The Prax Adventure