User talk:Roguebfl

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Revision as of 05:51, 8 October 2006 by Roguebfl (talk | contribs) (Reply to Knockwood)
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RPG motivational posters


First, thank you for getting this Wiki project off the ground! I really appreciate all the work you put into getting those first few pages up. I intend to 'announce' this project soon, which should get you a little help there.

I do have a few requests, though, to help keep this project out of trouble (preventative measures, really):

  1. Do NOT forget to put in proper credits--for both images and text, if necessary. (I've been doing it on the individual pages for the images themselves--such as on "Image:Succubimotivator.jpg". BTW, I u/l'd that one before deciding on the format, which is why it doesn't conform...)
  2. Part of the purpose of this project is so people can find a poster they remember without grovelling through the entire thread (which is a royal pain if you're on dialup)--so they could use quick descriptions in the Image pages. (See the Succubi poster above)
  3. Also, put big "NSFW" tags on appropriate entries in the gallery pages--the 2 from Post #217, for example.

I'd help more, but right now I'm dealing with an extensive spammer attack, which means I need to a) remove the spam and b) get competitive bids to have him whacked...

Thanks again... --Lord Knockwood the Mad 22:36, 7 October 2006 (PDT)

Ok I'll Start adding the credits to the file up loads as well if that's what you mean. I often don't know who the image is from for other's posters beyond they posted it, I add it when I can.
But I'm Current contrating getting the the immages there, and going though latter and make things more detailed, to many steps in the up load prcoess and I can't get into too good of a rythem to gething this mass volume done.
Where do you recommend the "NSFW" to go? on the line above the post number? or did you means else where? I can see how they 'the tags' can be a priorty.
I hope you approve of the chnages to the navagation I mades, so that people don't get stranded on a page.
-- Roguebfl 22:51, 7 October 2006 (PDT)