The Reach Adventure
The Trojan Reach The Trojan Reach lies between the territory of the predominantly human Third Imperium and Aslan Hierate. To the Imperials it is officially designated Trojan Reach Sector, but locals tend to call their area of space The Trojan Reach or just ‘The Reach’.
The Reach was once dominated by the Sindalian Empire, which collapsed long ago leaving remnants on many worlds. Today, the Reach can be a hazardous place, with conflicts between worlds and minor factions as well as the great powers. This fragmented nature also makes it a place of great opportunity where bold and resourceful people can make a fortune or alter the course of history.
The Aslan view the Reach as a perfect opportunity for expansion and annexation of new territory, while the Imperials take a different view. Imperial-based firms operate throughout the Reach, and in some cases have become very influential. However, the Imperium itself does not have designs on the Reach – it has enough territory and enough problems without trying to pacify a region of barbarian kingdoms and pirate havens. However, the Imperium does not want the Aslan to dominate the Reach either, preferring to retain it as a buffer zone against the Hierate’s expansion.
Thus Aslan involvement in the Reach tends to be rather direct, in the form of landgrabs by small bands of adventurers and raids on targets that might yield a respectable amount of plunder after a glorious fight. Imperial involvement is more subtle, in the form of trade missions, assistance to local groups opposed to the Aslan expansion and the activities of trade corporations which often have their own agenda.
All of this cross-cutting politics can make the Reach a complex and dangerous environment, and in addition there are bands of pirates, upstart worlds trying to create a pocket empire, and of course a few local powers important enough that even the mighty Third Imperium has to take note of them.