Carrier Group:RearingsAndPursuits

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In character creation, Rearings and Pursuit need a bit of name-tweaking to make better sense in a near-future zombie setting. In general, pick ones that seem to provide the kind of stats that fit the character concept. We can then make the choice fit the background, rather than the other way round. Here are some suggestions of what the various choices might mean in the setting. The choices and meanings are naturally not limited to my suggestions. These are just examples.


  • Bartertowner = big city background
  • Feral = survivalist community
  • Nomad = traveled a lot
  • Remnant = well educated
  • Steader = small town background
  • Tribal = rural background
  • Trog = gang background


  • Airman = pilot or aviation enthusiast.
  • Beastmaster = someone experienced in working with animals, like a vet or farmer.
  • Brave = ex military
  • Bounty hunter = law enforcement
  • Greaser = mechanic, technician, electrician, or similar
  • Hauler = trucker or bus driver
  • Healer = medical professional
  • Lore Keeper = university-level education
  • Outrider = biker
  • Raider = former violent criminal
  • Road warrior = professional driver / military vehicle crew / highway patrol
  • Sentinel = professional security
  • Scavenger = construction worker / rescue worker
  • Shaman = new age enthusiast / folk healer / mystic
  • Skulk = former non-violent criminal
  • Wastelander = survivalist / hunter