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Revision as of 22:21, 7 May 2018 by (talk) (Talents & Traits)
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Character Name Player Name Specialty Chapter Rank Experience Renown
Wulfgrim TigerWolfe Assault Space Wolf 1 13000 ?
Primarch's Curse Chapter Demeanor Personal Demeanor Past Event
<replace me> The Sons of Russ Gregarious Wolf-Tamer
Weapon Skill Ballistic Skill Strength Toughness Agility Intelligence Perception Willpower Fellowship Wounds Fate Insanity Corruption
38 37 32 42 50 35 47 41 53 21 3 0 0


Untrained Basic skills

Skill Attr. Bonus
Carouse T
Charm Fel
Command Fel
Contortionist Ag
Deceive Fel
Evaluate Int
Gamble Int
Inquiry Fel
Logic Int
Scrutiny Per
Search Per
Swim S

Trained skills

Skill Attr. Bonus
Awareness Per
Ciphers (Chapter Runes) Int
Climb S
Concealment Ag
Dodge Ag
Drive (Ground Vehicles) Ag
Intimidate S
Literacy Int
Lore, Common (Adeptus Astartes) Int
Lore, Common (Deathwatch) Int
Lore, Common (Imperium) Int
Lore, Common (War) Int
Lore, Forbidden (Xenos) Int
Navigation (Surface) Int
Pilot (Personal) Ag 10
Scholastic Lore (Codex Astartes) Int
Silent Move Ag
Speak Language (High/Low Gothic) Int
Tactics (choose one) Int
Tracking Int
Wrangling Int 10

Talents & Traits

Talent or Trait Description
Ambidextrous Use either hand equally well
Astartes Weapon Training Proficient with all weapons but exotic
Bulging Biceps Remove bracing requirement for certain weapons
Deathwatch Training Auto-confirm Righteous Fury against aliens
Heightened Senses (Sight, Sound) +10 bonus to relevent senses
Killing Strike Spend a Fate Point to make melee attack impossible to parry/dodge
Quick Draw Ready as a free action
Resistance (Psychic Powers) +10 bonus to resistance tests
True Grit Reduce critical damage the character takes
Unarmed Master 1d10+SB damage, no Primitive trait
Unnatural Strength (x2) Increase characteristic bonus by two
Unnatural Toughness (x2) Increase charactertistic bonus by two
Heightened Sense (Smell) description
Catfall description
Double Team description
Wings of Angels Add 20m to Mvmt of Jump Pack with Successful Pilot(Personal) Check+0 Add 1d5 dmg if used with Charge
talent description

Combat Stats

Weapon Name Skill Class Range Rate of Fire Damage Penetration Clip Reload Special Weight Req Renown
Weaponname Accuracyname Classname Rangename ROFname Damagename Nom De Plume Clip Name Reloadname Specialabilityname Weightname Req# Renown
  • Initiative Bonus:
  • Movement: 6, 12, 18, 36
  • Wounds:
  • TB:
  • Armor:
  • Dodge:
  • Parry:



  • Weapon Name
    • Notes about weapon (upgrades, quirks, etc.)
    • Weapon Statline
      • Flavor text


  • Armor Name
    • Power Armor History and effects
    • Other notes
    • Power requirements, if any
    • Amount of AP provided
      • Flavor text

Standard Issue

  • Equipment name
    • Equipment type
    • Equipment description
      • Flavor text

Other Equipment

  • Equipment name
    • Equipment type
    • Equipment description
      • Flavor text

Force Field

  • Field Name
    • Field type
    • Protection Rating
    • Fails only on a (insert number here)
      • Flavor text


  • Equipment name
    • Equipment description
      • Flavor text


Total Experience - 13,000xp

Spent Experience - 13,000xp


Advance Cost
Right Time, Right Place 400 XP
Wrangling 100 XP
Wrangling +10 100 XP
Catfall 200 XP
Double Team 200 XP